Girlish Tomboy

Name: Anamarie Cristina Perez
Age in human years: 18
Race: Air Elemental, Paraisian
Height: 5'7"
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Parents: Eduardo and Cristabella (father deceased, mother's whereabouts/status unknown)
Children: None
Extraordinary Abilities:
strength (2) normal - able to lift own body weight
intelligence (3) learned
fighting ability (2) normal
durability (4) regenerative
speed (2) normal
energy projection (4) medium range, medium duration, single energy type

Ability to generate powerful currents of air from her hands, these currents of air are oxygen rich. With enough concentration and force, can generate enough power to blow away trees, cars and even houses.

Nationality: Citizen of Endless
Likes: dancing (with Misae), singing, Misae's mouth and tongue, Misae, hanging out with the band, performing, heat, being hugged (only by Misae, anyone else makes her feel uncomfortable), flirting
Dislikes: her mother, being disrespected, (most) females, being touched, Rogelio, the gangs in Paradise
Tattoo(s): the words "siempre en mi coraz�n, te quiero a papi" or, "Always in my heart, I love you papi" on her shoulder, a small flame on her lower back
Sexual Preferance: None
Marital Status: Single
Interesting Fact: She has only cried once in her whole life, the day her father was killed. Only Misae was witness to this. The subject of her father is taboo and not to be mentioned around her, simply because it is completely unsettling and causes her great grief.

Ana was born in Paradise to a mother whom wanted nothing to do with her. As soon as she was born, her mother fled the hospital, never to be seen again. She was raised by her young father, whom worked hard to make ends meet for him and his daughter.

Ana was always a tomboy, always having male friends over female. She would often get into fights with a few of the girls, her father getting calls many times to pick his daughter up after a fight. Regardless of this, Ana always did well in school.

When puberty hit, Ana noticed that her male friends began to change their attention. She was hit on almost daily, and many a time she was put in uncomfortable situations. Still, she kept her head up and rose above it all, keeping her virginity and not losing the morals her father instilled in her.

In High School, Ana would meet the most important person in her life, Misae. The two became friends quickly, as their personalities almost matched completely. Though the pair had a relationship that was comparable to that of a couple, neither of them saw it as that and were quick to shoot down those claims. Ana eventually trusted Misae enough to lose her virginity to him.

Ana's life would change in Sophomore year, when her father was killed by friendly fire in a gang shootout. He was on his way home from work with a cake for Ana, it was her 16th birthday.

Ana turned to the only other person in her life that was left, Misae. He was her crutch, and to this day she will tell him that she wouldn't be alive right now if he wasn't in her life.

When the idea of forming a band was brought up, Ana was eager to help Misae in any way possible. Much to his surprise, she showed him her own musical talents and she quickly became part of the band (and still remains as part of the band). Their performances on stage are well-known amongst some circles, due to the uninhibitive nature of Misae once he's in that mode.

Right now, Anna is enjoying her time with the band, still a bit surprised that it's blossomed as much as it has. When she's not performing, she has a part-time job in a clothing store. She has an apartment in the city and generally stays away from Paradise, simply because it brings back painful memories. More often then she'd admit, she stays over Misae's house. 1
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