Judging A Match
Here is how every match is determined

You are graded in 5 categories, on a scale of 1-10, for each RP.




Originality ~ Here I am looking for something new.  Not just the same old come to the ring and tell me that your wrestler will win.  I want to see something interesting.

EXAMPLE: We will take two wrestlers and say they are facing each other. One is Eric Smith, the other is John Miller.

Smith RP's about walking down the street, sees some thugs and then he beats them up.  He will say that he is better then them and that he will beat John Miller.  Well, it's not original and he tried NOTHING to make it original.  You can have the alley idea, but give it something.  Make it 'different'.  We'll give Smith...a 4, because it wasn't the usual in-the-ring promo.

Meanwhile, Miller RP's about walking through a field, talking to a 'higher power' about his upcoming match.  He never goes on to say the usual wrestler sayings "I am better" and "I will destroy you".  I think it's a little different and gives him more originality.  Depending on how he makes it, he can get a high score.  But, let's give him an 8.

SCORE: Eric - 4, John - 8

Story ~ This is important.  I've always believed that an RP should contain some type of story.  I don't want to read some off the wall thing that has nothing to do with anything.  I want to read something that makes your character, real.  I don't want a one dimension character.

On the way to the alley, Smith edits in his storyline...about how he just wants acceptance in this world.  That he fights every day, just to be accepted from his family or possibly a girl he is in love with.  He puts a story together in the RP.  He gets points for this, but guess what...that alley thing has NOTHING to do with his character.  So...he gets points docked.  We will give him a 8 for the storyline, but take off 2 for the alley fight.

John's character always talks to the 'higher power' in search of direction in a life where John has done nothing but drugs, sex and Rock & Roll.  John has talked to the 'higher power' in every RP, to help him lead a better life.  This goes along with John's storyline.  But in the same sense, there is no inner story...he is just walking through a field. There is no story there.  But since it has something to do about his character, there really is no point in taking something away.  So we give John a 9, because his entire RP deals with his current storyline as well.

SCORE: Eric - 6, John 17

Match ~ This is another important part of a roleplay.  It's where you talk about your match.  I believe you should have a storyline in your RP...but you should also talk about your match.

Eric Smith talks a little about his match and then talks a little bit about his match after the alley fight.  Usually...you start the scale at five...and add or subtract accordingly.  He did talk about his match for half of the RP...which is great, because it had a lot of relevance about his upcoming match.  SOOOOO, Eric gets a 9.  Woohoo, go Eric.

Meanwhile, Miller's RP has one or two lines about his match after he talks to the 'higher power', but has no real relevance to the match.  So he gets a low score of 3.

SCORE: Eric - 16, John 20

Readability ~ This is where you it counts to keep my interest.  If you sit there and describe every little thing, people loss interest in it.  But if you can catch someone's eye and keep them reading, that is good.  If you lose interest quick and you are boring, that's bad.  Understand?  Quick overview.  Interest, good.  Boring, bad.

Smith keeps our attention with quick witty phrases and keeps is in the scene by explaining things to a point.  He keeps our interest going through the alley fight as well.  We will give him a 9 since he DID keep our interest.

Miller keeps our interest, but talks to much about his surroundings.  He loses us towards the end in a bunch of 'describing'.  But since he did so good in the begining, he gets a score of 7.

SCORE: Eric - 27, John 27 (TIED)

Spelling ~ I have to be able to understand it and read it.  And if I have enough respect for you to read your RP and write your match...you should have enough respect for me to make sure your spelling is correct.  ALSO...if your character says a number, then spell it out.  Do not write the numerical symbol of it.  I start at ten here...and every misspelling takes away two.

Eric is not a bad speller, but has three misspellings.  That is ten points minus six.  He gets a 4.

John is a bad speller, and has seven misspellings.  That is ten points minus ten (since you can't go more).  He gets a zero.

SCORE: Eric - 31, John 27


After all this is said and done, since the RP limit is two (max & minimum), I take the TOTAL score of both RP's and divide it by two.  Whomever has the higher total, becomes the winner.


Eric: First RP - 31 PLUS  Second RP - 0 (didn't do one) = 31, divide by 2 and you have a total score of 15.5

John: First RP - 27 PLUS Second RP - 26 = 53, divide by 2 and you have a total score of 26.5

John Miller is your winner.



If Joe Bob does an RP that is 47, with no second RP...his total score is 23.5
Say Jimmy's first RP is 30 and his second is 20...his total score would end up being 25.

Even though Jimmy does win by total score...his two RPs were dull and normal, where Joe Bob's one RP was close to perfect.  If the score is close enough like this...despite Jimmy doing two, they both were average.  Joe Bob put effort into his one, where Jimmy hurried and spit out two.  So Joe Bob gets the win.  Why?  Because he tried.  He may have gotten out one...but it was a GREAT one.  Compared to Jimmy who blew it off to the last moment and did two quick ones.


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