
This book details the deaths of previous members of group. Our group has changed drastically from the party I encountered back in Lyskan. The more members we get, the more we are reminded of those that we lost. I have come to find out, however, that in the world we live in, death is sometimes better. Losing a friend is one thing. Seeing a dead friend rise and attack you is quite another......
-Boris Gustaffe

Gone but not Forgotten

Amish Priestly Amish was part of the group that I met back in Lyskan. This man was a devoted member of the team. He was in the process of switching his religion to Ezra when fate took him from us. He was in the Shadow Rift traveling on Cyrus' magic carpet with John and another adventurer, when a Shadow Elf used some foul attack that made Cyrus blind and stunned. Cyrus fell off the carpet and quick-thinking Amish used a silken rope he had handy,and lassoed Cyrus. He could have stood on the carpet and tried to bring the falling Cyrus back up but the force from Cyrus' fall would have took him off as well, so Cyrus jumped off the other side of the carpet with the other end of the rope tied around his waist.
The move was ingenious and would have worked if a shadow elf, riding upon the back of a horse that breathed fire, hadn't came and sliced the silken rope. The cut ripped open with Amish's falling speed and broke. Amish lashed out at the elf and brought it down with him. All three beings (Amish, Cyrus, and the elf) fell to the ground. Amish and the elf landed near each other. The fall instantly killed Amish and to further disgrace his death, the elf (who hadn't died) climbed upon his body and tore at his throat. Cyrus,having survived the fall miraculously, arrived in time to kill the shadow elf. Cyrus saw Amish turn into a ghost, as did the elf that killed him. This started Cyrus' mental breakdown into three personalities and the undeath of poor Amish.
The rest of his tale can be read in Fates Worse Than Death.

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