Boris Gustaffe

Str. 13Race:Half-Vistani Class:Arcanist/Gypsy
Dex. 18Align.LgLevel:5/7
Con.15Age:29Sex: male
Int. 18Weight:164 lbs.Height:5'5"
Wis. 16Hair:brown Eyes:brown

PPDM12(+4)Fear Check:12(+8)
RSW9(+4)Horror Check:12(+8)
Petrify/Poly11(+4)Madness Check:16(+6)

Weapons used:short sword, dagger
hit points:64
AC:2(dexterity and cloak of protection +4
treasure:380 gp,cloak of protection +4, Talon(+3 dagger of venom holding with holy water held within),Savior(silver short sword given to him from the Weathermays),2 doses of zombie dust(a powder used to make the living slowly turn into undead),4 vials of holy water,1 potion of undead control,1 wooden stake, 1 holy symbol of Ezra(has been blessed by L/G Ezra Priests and contains a mirror on back, worn around neck),6 Van Richten Guides

Weapon proficiencies:dagger(high master),short sword
Non-weapon proficiencies:spellcraft, reading/writing,herbalism,weathersense,ancient history,engineering,navigation,astrology,tumbling,reading lips,ventriloquism
Special Abilites:pluses to all saving throws due to cloak of protection, mind affecting spells get additional saving throws due to high wisdom, has the benefits of being from Mordent,has the abilities of a L/G arcanist of 5th level and the abilities of a gypsy at 7th (can rise no further as an arcanist, is essentially a gypsy)


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