The camera fades in onto the dark landscape of Drusilla’s dreams. She is seen finishing digging up the grave of one of her counterparts. The camera pans by the headstone and although slightly obscured the epitaph can be easily read, “Innocence”.

Drusilla finishes digging and reaches in to help her younger persona out of her grave bed.

Distant Drusilla: There there dearie, everything’s all better now.

Her younger persona wipes the dirt off of her face and takes a look around.

Young Drusilla: The others?

The Distant Wide Eyed persona smiles widely and laughs slightly,

Distant Drusilla: All gone, and you will not be helping them.

Young Drusilla: Wha… what happened?

Distant Drusilla: They’ve all gone away dearie.

The Younger persona seems slightly taken back,

Young Drusilla: How long?

Distant Drusilla: It’s been a whole moon, maybe longer.

The younger persona looks up to her distant wide eyed counterpart,

Young Drusilla: What have you done?

The Distant Drusilla smiles,

Distant Drusilla: Why, not a thing, our strength set things horribly awry, I’m working on putting things right again.

The Younger persona widens her eyes,

Young Drusilla: You?

The Wide Eyed Persona stands up straight,

Distant Drusilla: That’s right, what of it?

Young Drusilla: Well, you just don’t seem the type.

Distant Drusilla: She left our little Chaos.

Young Drusilla: What? Why?

Distant Drusilla: He found HER, the girl through the looking glass.

Young Drusilla: Alice? He actually found her? Wow.

Distant Drusilla: Our strength didn’t take to kindly to that, our secrets are our secrets and everything… since he has so many of his own, one of the bright burning phoenix, how he cared for it.

Young Drusilla: What are you… Never mind. Why let me out?

Distant Drusilla: It was lonely all by myself, although not good company you know your place.

The Young Drusilla still winded nods, knowing that her distant counterpart could have easily left her to rot in the ground.

Young Drusilla: So what is going on? A month is a long time.

The Distant persona smiles,

Distant Drusilla: The cold one is no more, he has us to thank for that, yet we still must compete for his title.

Young Drusilla: What Winter is –

Distant Drusilla: Suspended.

Young Drusilla: So who is it this week?

Distant Drusilla: Someone whom believes that he deserves the title more than us.

Young Drusilla: But you said that he lost the belt already, because of us?

Distant Drusilla: We were number one in line to fight for it, he did not like the situation and said “uncle”, and instead of being given what is rightfully ours we must compete yet another nobody to get it.

Young Drusilla: Uh huh.

Distant Drusilla: Our opponent is just a poor substitute for our true challenge, we fought and clawed our way to that title, if he thinks that he can score the 11th hour upset, he has another thing coming. He might not have been watching very closely, after all it’s not like he was meant to be a competitor for this title, yet, anyways. Still he should know better, although the fun of going for Winter was fun, but we’ve already taken his title and more from him, the very least that we could do is finish the job. He would do well not to question the logical motives of someone who really doesn’t think logically.

Young Drusilla: Well that makes sense.

Distant Voice: See, I’m not as crazy as everything thinks I am, I am just the one to get the job done.

Young Drusilla: so what next?

Distant Voice: We educate mister Blackburn that this title, is meant to be ours, because we are the ones who have earned it, not his because he thinks that he was treated unfairly towards the world title. No the NW belt is ours. We competed for it at Overthrown and have been clawing our way through the competitors since. The fact that Winter held it was nothing more than an added bonus, it was meant to be ours, the time of the cold Winter is over, the Queen of New Wave Rage will soon be crowned, no we are not to be trifled with, in fact the very idea of needing a match to solidify something that should be ours is very insulting. But then I guess it’s just a formality, if it wasn’t then I suppose that Mr. Assassin wouldn’t have picked someone from the C list. We will teach Mr. Blackburn a few lessons in underestimating a woman, especially us.

The Distant Wide Eyed persona looks to her younger counterpart who seems concerned,

Distant Drusilla: Don’t fret kitten, mommy’s here.

Fade To Black 1

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