My first prom Ever To make it even more nerve wrecking I've never met him I get in the car Get ready for a long ride I see town signs Amblerville New Berlin Morris, Meredith But where is Delhi Finally I see the sign "Welcome to Delhi" I see the house He's waiting for me He's all dressed up He looks so handsome His family greets us with open arms It's like love unhanded I give him a big hug I go get changed everyone is waiting Anticipating the moment I walk out Cameras get revived Pictures taken Get in the car on the way to the school I meet some of his friends More people start to show up More and more people I don't know I am nervous I start to get to know everyone I start to have fun A slow song comes on we dance His arms wrapped around me I hold him tight I never want to let go His arms wrapped around me Makes me feel like there is no one else around Me and him in the middle of floor with the music I close my eyes I am in another world I forget where I am I open my eyes to assure myself I am not dreaming I'm not dreaming Slow song ends fast music picks up again I haven't yet left his arms and he has not mine Then we hug decide to let go hoping we didn't have to let go forever We decide to get pictures We stand there and smile for the camera.. It's time for Prom court to dance to the slow song new slow song, we are sitting this time My legs across his legs I wrap my arms around and rest my head on his shoulder I don't want to move our eyes meet I cant face to look at him for any longer afraid I might fall in love We let go and the night drifts to an end... I don't want to leave I want to go back to the dance floor and be in his arms But for life I have to....