
Name:  T'Pol
Rank:  Sub Commander
Assignment: Science Officer, Enterprise NX-01
Species: Vulcan
Birth Place: Vulcan Homeworld

Originally assigned to the Vulcan Consulate on Earth, Sub Commander
T'Pol was transfered to Enterprise during its maiden voyage to serve as the
Vulcan presence during the first mission in exchange for the Vulcan High
Command providing Star Fleet with their database and starcharts.  Placed
aboard to provide logic and experience, T'Pol has shown great adaptability,
an Un-Vulcan like characteristic, and has grown within her position to
become a real part of the crew, and engendering trust on both Human and
Vulcan sides alike through her example.

Still relying on logic to govern her actions, she provides the crew with a voice of reason and experince, both teaching and learning that sometimes there are several ways to handle a situation.  Walking a fine line between loyalty to her planet and loyalty to her captain, T'Pol has consistantly found a balance, dispite the sacrifices she has made to achieve this, including breaking her arranged marriage to fellow Vulcan, Koss (Breaking The Ice).
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