My Favourite Quotes....Think about it...
Things I feel but could have not said better...
Quotes by:Kahlil Gibran

On Affection... The heart's affections are divided like the branches of a tree; if the tree loses one strong branch, it will suffer but it does not die. It will pour all it's vitality into the next branch so that it will grow and fill the empty place...
On Beauty... beauty is not in the face ; beauty is a light in the heart...
On Bounty... An eternal hunger for love and beauty is my desire; I know now that those who possess bounty alone are naught but miserable, but to my spirit the sighs of lovers are more soothing than the music of the lyre...
On Childhood... The things which the childloves remain in the domain of the heart until old age.The most beautiful thing in life is that our souls remain hovering over the places we once enjoyed ourselves...
On Contradiction... contradiction is a lower degree of intelligence...
On Death... a child in the womb, no sooner born than returned to the earth- such is the fate of man,  the fate of nations, and of the sun,the moon and the stars...
On Freedom... you may chain my hands and shackle my feet; you may even throw me into a dark prison, but you shall not enslave my thinking because it is free...
On Hell... Hell is not in torture; Hell is in an empty heart...
On Kindness... From a sensitive woman's heart springs the happiness of mankind, and from the kindness of her noble spirit comes mankind's affection...
On LOVE... Love lies in the soul alone, not in the body, and like wine should stimulate our better self to welcome love divine...
... Man cannot reap love until after sad and revealing seperation, and bitter patience, and desperate hardship...
...Darkness may hide the trees and the flowers from the eyes but it cannot hide love from the soul...

On Music... The moaning flute is more divine than the golden cup of deep, red wine...
On Poetry and Poets... Poetry, my dear friends, is a sacred incarnation of a smile.Poetry is a sigh that dries the tears. Poetry is a spirit who dwells in the soul, whose nourishment is the heart, whose wine is affection...
... Poets are unhappy people, for, no matter how high thier spirits reach, they will still be enclosed in an envelope of tears...

On Regret... Be not like him who sits by the fireside and watches the fire go out, then blows vainly opon the dead ashes. Do not give up hope or yield to despair because of that which is past, for to bewail the irretrievable is the worst of human frailties...
On Secrets... My heart, keep secret your love, and hide the secret from those you see and you will have better fortune. He who reveals secrets is considered a fool; silence and secrecy are much better for him who falls in love...

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