SCENE TWO ( men and their cars)

Lupin: "Kelly dear, how about a date tonight?"
Kelly: "But Arsène, I'm going out with Folenfant, remember?"
Grognard: "Geez, that's a nasty twitch you got there boss!" ;p
Lupin: Must... maintain.....composure......

Grognard: umm boss? you alright? You're starting to look a little green...
Lupin: Kelly.....folefant......Date.....
Grognard: perhaps you ought to lie down.
Lupin: I aM CalM pEefeCtLY mOsT ARRRRGGGGGHHHHH! *bangs head on wall*

Lupin: "...*wail!* ..I'll NEVER hear the end of this! Kelly'll probably ask Ganimard out to the MOVIES next!"
Grognard: *screws up nose* "Ew. Granp... er, Ganimard?"
Lupin: "*sniff* What's wrong with li'l ol' me?"
Grognard: "Why, there's nothing WRONG with you boss, maybe this Folenfant-dating-business really IS part of Kelly's plan after all."
Lupin: "Plan for what?"
Grognard: "Why don't you ask her yourself, boss?"
Lupin: "But I CAN'T. Folenfantcametopickherupalreadygrrrrrrr...."
Max comes in.
Max: "Oh yea Lupin, Kelly asked if she could borrow your wheels tonight."
Lupin: "*snort* Doesn't she like travelling by police car?
Grognard, see to it."
Grognard *anxious*: "Kelly's driving?"
Max: "Oh no."
Grognard: "Oh, alright."
Max: "...Folenfant's driving."
Grognard and Lupin: "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhh!!!! M-MY CAR!!!!!"


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