So you Still wanna know more huh? I thought so too. Well these are the fan sites that inspired this one! So you know it comes highly recommended! :).

The Prof's Center:

An intellectual haunting by Anna Exter AKA the PROF. This is the ORIGINAL Nighthood fan site people! From little inside jokes that you might have observed about the various Nighthood episodes to some of the original works by Maurice Leblanc, the guy who created Lupin. And she's even got a link to the Nighthood MP3! � *and you thought you are a big fan*


����������Chez Ars�ne: A cozy haunt with fine works of art , owned by Wendy the Golden hand. And if you've seen the work she's done, you'll understand why. *in fact! you've probably already seen some of her stuff here!* ( prot�g�e of Sam perchance? ) Nothing like a nice environment for a cozy conversation with the Nighthood fans from all over...and yes.. she's got lots lots more... message board, chat room, fan fics...i could go on but this page couldn't fit them all! *Need i say more?* ;)


Ars�ne Lupin, Gentleman Thief Extrodinaire!

Al:Gte for short. Own by Carolyn Gan. And she's a Grognard fan! *yes.. it's about time someone gave him the credit he deserves!*� You'll laugh! You'll cry! you'll never see the Nighthood gang quite the same way again.. not after you've seen her tweaks anyway.. *yes.. as bona fide Nighthood fans we ALL share o' Loops' good humor!�:�


The shrine of Nighthood

Own by Colin Gan, our youngest fan to date! * :) And guess what? It's Al:Gte brother site literally!!!.. coz they are SIBs my friend! Hey what can I say? Talent does run in the family... :)


Nighthood: The Thorn

She's got really nice fan art and some RPG music!� envy envy * i especially love the one where old Loops hair looks yellow* � Nicely done indeed! Go Serena! :)� And she's also a fan of� final fantasy VII..and VIII *heh heh* (and so am I!)�


Sailor Usagi's�Totally IRREVERENT Nighthood page

This is what happens when a fan�crosses her love for� a 14-year old, boy-crazy, semi-princess Leila hairdo teenage anime gal with our� monocle wearing Casanova. �So who says you can't have the best of both worlds? : P� Pity about Tux boy though~ he doesn't stand a chance! hahahahahhah! *opps do I senseth flame mails from ye sailormoon fans?* run away!!!! intro.jpg (13664 bytes)


Nanichi sprit moon

She's got her own Nighthood puzzle games! � And guess who first thought of the idea to get us Nighthood fans all together into a webring? Dat's right folks! And lookie who's just jumped into the band wagon lately? Why.... tis me!� *Whoo hoo!!!!!!!!* =)

And here it is!

heh heh.. okay so it looks TOTALLY� different from what it's SUPPOSED to be.. but it's STILL the ARSENE LUPIN RING..�TRUST ME..( there is only ONE webring for NIGHTHOOD's ARSENE LUPIN and THIS IS IT... so ihope it won't confuse you guys TOO much! *hiak hiak hiak!* )� I got carried away while trying to do a teeny modification :P *what can i say.. i'm just an old toon at heart..* i might change it back.... someday ... >�)

Lupin says Click here to go to the Previous Nighthood site!

This cutsey Arsene Lupin Ring site is owned by The Caped Casanova. (abuthen?*snigger* :� )� NIGHTHOOD ALL THE WAY!
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@-'--� mucnkins (c) ALGTE :) animated by TCC. --'-@

Kelly says Click here to go to the Next great Nighthood site!


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