NHP v8000
February 21, 2003
   I just started working on this site again, deleted all the old links that didnt work, so now there is only one... =( and deleted all the old news.  This site was started in 2000 or 2001 I don't remember which, and got pretty dumb... read on for the FAQ
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Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]
1. What the hell is Nighthawk Productions?
        Nighthawk Productions [NHP] was origionally started to make RPG games using RPG Maker 2000 []  After that got old [And I went to the Regional Science Fair and won a few things =P] I dedicated NHP to making CDs. This starteed when my friends kept asking me to give them a copy of a mix I was listening to, and I made about 20 bucks by charging 3$ a copy.  After that got old, and 3 months later, NHP is now making custom icons and backrounds (as you can see in the Photo Galley)  They aren't very good, but I hope to get better... =)
2. How can I contact you?
       As of right now, you can't by email [you probably wouldn't want to either], but you can instant message Nighthawk8k on AIM, or if you have an IRC program go to and join #theicarus.  Well thats all for now, I have to get back to making my site better.
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