Name: Raven Darkholme
Age: Unknown.  She looks pretty young, probably around Storm's age
Eyes: (As Mystique) White (As Darkholme) Brown
Hair: (As Mystique) Red (As Darkholme) Brown
Powers: Mystique has the power to shapeshift.  She can assume the form of basically every life form of almost any size.  She has turned into animals, but she mainly turns into other people.  She can mimic them down to the last detail to the people where she can pass through fingerprint and retinal scans (shown in Survival of the Fittest).  She's also a very skilled hand-to-hand fighter, but that's not really a power.  And although she can assume any form, her natural self is blue a skinned, white eyed, and redheaded female.
Brief Bio: Mystique is very mysterious....  We know she's worked for Magneto for a long time, and he uses her as a way to recruit mutants.  She's confessed to being Nightcrawler's mother, and is apparantly very hurt by not being able to be with him.  Magneto forced her to get rid of Kurt when he was jus a baby, and so she kinda resents him.  There was a little bit of a hint that Rogue is also Mystique's child in Rogue Recruit, but that's not confirmed.
Various Costumes and Outfits:
Mystique's Costume
Really skanky for a high school principal, don't you think?  White gloves, white go-go boots, white dress, skull-type thingies, and a gold triangle on her forehead,
Principal Darkholme
Still pretty skanky....  Grey suit (with a mini-skirt), pink undershirt, silver necklace (the same pendant as on Mystique's forehead), hemishphere earrings, and thick rimmed glasses.
Cloaked Mystique
What Mystique wore when she revealed herself to Nightcrawler.  After wearing this cloak she turned into a crow (haha... Get it?  Crow, like a raven, and raven is her first name ^_^)
WNBA Mystique
When Mystique was accidentally knocked into Magneto's evolver, she came out scaly, stronger, and a lesbian.  The only piece of clothing that survived the metemorphasis was her dress. 
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