Name: Grim Reminder
Focus On: Wolverine, Shadowcat, Nightcrawler
X-men appearances: Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Wolverine, Xavier (They were all in the episode, but these were the only ones who did anything)
Brotherhood Appearances: Sabretooth
Other Villians: "The Professor"
Summary: A computer chip in Logan's brain activates and draws him to Canada. Shadowcat and Nightcrawler accidentally get stuck in the Blackbird and end up going to Canada with Wolverine. They go to the Weapon X lab and meet the guy responsible for Logan's claws, metal skeleton, and computer chip.

Comments: This was actually pretty good, considering I normally don't like Wolverine. Nightcrawler and Shadowcat were cool in this episode.

Funniest Line(s):

Nightcrawler: Picture this: Bumpdy, Bumpdy, Bumpdy, SPLAT!!

Kurt: Kitty? Kitty?
Sabretooth: Meow!

Cheesiest Line(s):

Kitty  calling Logan 'Mr. Logan' every 5 minutes

Spyke: You could, um, deal with it!

Rating: B+

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