Name: The Cauldron (Part 1)
Focus On: Cyclops, Havok,  Magneto
X-men Appearances: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Shadowcat, Spyke, Storm, Wolverine, Xavier
Brotherhood Appearances: Avalanche, Blob, Magneto, Mystigue, Quicksilver, Toad.
Guest Appearances: Havok (I know, he's an X-men. But he's not an X-men on the show....yet.....)
Summary: Part One- This Two-part special begins with Magneto colecting mutants for his sanctuary, Asteroid M. In the process, he influences a newfound mutant, Alex Summers', who just so happens to be Cyclops' long lost brother! Xavier takes Scott to Hawaii, where Alex is currently living to meet his brother. Magneto kidnaps Xavier once they arrive, and Alex takes Scott to Magneto. On a side note, Evan Kurt, Kitty and Rogue go on a road trip and get captured by the Brotherhood.


Becca's Comments: Part one was soooooooooo cool! Havok was awesome! The Storm/Mystique fight was incredibly entertaining, and we finally got to see Magneto's face!!
Becca's Alterna-Title: TOW Nightcrawler drives a car!!

Funniest Line(s):

Nightcrawler: You try being blue and furry. It's murder!

Logan: Why do I have the feeling I wasn't dropped here by accident?!

Cheesiest Line(s):

Magneto: but for every unbeliever, there is a new convert.

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