Name: Beast of Bayville
Focus On: Beast, Spyke, Kitty
X-men Appearances: Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Beast, Rogue, Spyke, Kitty, Prof. X, Storm,
Brotherhood Appearances: None
Summary: Hank McCoy cannot control the Beast inside him, so he creates a elixir to stop it. Unfortunately, it turns him into a big blue fuzzy beast! Meanwhile: Spyke skips class and must memorize a play, and Kitty gets a new hat that stimulates the brain.

Becca's Comments:
I think this was the first SERIOUS episode in a long time, which is a good change of pace. I can't wait for Beast to teach at The Xavier Institute!!
Clay's Comments: Yay!  I've been waiting for Beast for a LONG time.  I knew if he was ever on the show he would be an adult, and I was right!  I like his design for Evolution.  If nothing else, at least he doesn't have the logan haircut.

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Cheesiest Line(s):

Rating: B

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