Name: Bada-Bing, Bada-Boom
Focus On: Boom Boom, Nightcrawler, Cyclops
X-men Appearances: Boom Boom, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Spyke, Wolverine, Xavier (Ok, the others were in here too, but they had tiny cameo roles.)
Brotherhood Appearances:
Avalanche, Blob, Quicksilver, Toad
Guest Appearances:
Boom Boom's Dad
Boom Boom's father shows up and plans to rob the Bayville Carnival, and he makes Boom Boom help. She gets busted, and decides she's not ready for the institute...yet.

Becca's Comments:
Oh my, Boom Boom in the brotherhood....and KURT LIKES BOOM BOOM!?? My Kurtie...and that troublemaker?! Unglaublich! I don't like it. Boom Boom is a handful, she reminds me of (and kinda looks like) my little sister. Kurtie, you shouldn't give in to peer pressure like that!!
Clay's Comments:
Well, I liked Boom Boom.  However, I wonder where she's going now.  Poor Kurtie...  His mom's on the Brotherhood, now his little girlfriend...  Every chick he's emotionally attatched to is on the brotherhood....  Well, all in all, i thought it was an OK episode.  We finally got to see where the brotherhood lives!  I've wondered that for a long time. 

Funniest Li
The first five minutes of the training session.
Kurt: Boom Boom!?! I'm gonna die

Boom Boom: FIRE IN THE HOLE!!!

Cheesiest Line(s):

Rating: B+
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