Name: Day Of Reckoning-Part 2
Focus On: Scarlet Witch, Magneto, Prof. X
X-men Appearances: Nightcrawler, Boom Boom, Cyclops, Wolfsbane, Cannonball, Magma, Berzerker, Spyke, Jean Grey,  Shadowcat, Wolverine, Iceman, Storm
Brotherhood Appearances: Blob, Toad, Scarlet Witch, Magneto, Mystique, Avalanche, Quicksilver, Sabretooth
Guest Appearances: Colossus, Gambit, Pyro, Bolivar Trask, Sentinel
Summary: Trask makes a Sentinel and relases it on the X-men. Meanwhile, Mystique makes the entire mansion blow up.


Becca's Comments: Yay! Colossus got more screen time! This was a really really spiffy episode, too. But what happened to Prof. X? And what about that Apocolypse plot?? And will Colossus and Gambit and Pyro return?

Rating: A
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