Zidane's Profile
Full Name: Zidane Tribal
Age: 16
Class: Thief
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Zidane is, by far and away, my favourite character. I guess it's the tail (I'm exactly the same over young Gohan, I think he's cute as well - I mean baby cute! Tailed Gohan's way too young for me, plus neither Gohan or Zidane are real, Boo hoo ;_; )
I'm also curious to know how on earth (or Gaia - depending on what planet you're on!) does Zidane close a door behind him without getting his tail caught in it?
ANYWAY..... Zidane is part of a group of notorious bandits known as Tantalus, who stage plays part time as cover. He likes to flirt with any pretty girl he meets as well as trying to get a date with Dagger, aka Garnet. This becomes quite amusing when he asks Dagger if she wants to go on the cruise he mentioned before then gets humiliated when he realises that it wasn't Dagger he'd asked that question to! He then proceeds to jump onto the wall then almost falls off in excitement when Dagger says she'll go on a date with him if he wins the Festival of the Hunt!
The majority of the game is centered around Zidane and mainly attempting to find out exactly where he comes from. Zidane is actually a Genome who was created by a guy called Garland on the planet, Terra. The Genome race had been created for the purpose of becoming the new inhabitants of Gaia. They are currently 'empty vessels' designed to have the lost souls of Terra implanted in them. Zidane was created with a soul to replace
Kuja. When Zidane went to talk to Garland alone this was all explained to him and he decided to try and destroy Garland and Terra before all this could happen.
Zidane's Abilities:

Takes 0 MP and enables escape from a battle.
Takes 0 MP and scans the enemy for possible items to steal.
What' that!?:
Takes 2 MP and causes the enemy to look behind them, enabling a back attack.
Soul Blade:
Takes 6 MP and inflicts negative status affects on the enemy.
Takes 4 MP and inflicts the enemy with the trouble status.
Takes 32 MP and causes Zidane to sacrifice himself in order to fully restore all HP of the other party members.
Lucky Seven:
Takes 6 MP and causes damage to the enemy based on luck.
Takes 8 MP and steals items whilst causing damage at the same time.

The following skills are Dyne skills only accessable to Zidane whilst under Trance:

Free energy:
Takes 10 MP and causes physical damage to an enemy.
Tidal Flame:
Takes 12 MP and causes physical damage to all enemies in range.
Scoop Art:
Takes 14 MP and causes physical damage to an enemy.
Shift Break:
Takes 16 MP and causes physical damage to all enemies in range.
Stellar Circle 5:
Takes 24 MP and causes physical damage to an enemy.
Meo Twister
Takes 32 MP and causes physical damage to an enemy.
Solution 9:
Takes 48 MP and causes physical damage to an enemy.
Grand Lethal:
Takes 60 MP and causes physical damage to all enemies in range.

This pic is from the Coka Cola advert that was shown in Japan
Another pic of Zidane
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