NightCat's Grove: Techies
Disclaimer: MST3K belongs to Best Brains Inc. I don't make a cent off of this.


By: NightCat

Sometimes even Joel would marvel at the miracle that was his robots. He couldn�t remember when he had stopped thinking of them as merely metallic companions, if he had ever thought of them that way at all. As far as he was concerned, they were as good as actual humans and had their own thoughts, hopes, and dreams. Those were things that he could never program into them, even if he wanted to.

He wasn�t na�ve though; he knew that if the wrong people got a hold of them they would be seen as nothing more than interesting pieces of metal or, at worst, potentially dangerous technology that only the government should possess and use. That was the difference Joel saw between him and scientists: they needed a practical use for everything, he just did it for the fun of it.

If a project he was working on turned out to be useful, then he�d just consider it a bonus.

Clayton, on the other hand, was a scientist. Where Joel would blunder on and hope for the best, Dr. Forrester needed a plan. He needed to know the hows, whats, and whys of a project. He observed and learned, and he strived to make his own mark in the world of science.

Technology wasn�t a fun little pastime for Clayton, and he often scoffed at Joel for implying that it could be more than just work. Clayton lived for the results, not the process. For him technology meant advancement, not playtime.

Mike was content to remain an observer to the world of technology. It fascinated him, but it wasn�t something he could see himself getting involved with. Physics was beyond his grasp, he wasn�t much of an engineer without an extremely detailed how-to manual, and his imagination wasn�t geared toward creating a new gizmo. He felt that that stuff was better left to the Joels and Claytons of society.

Still, it didn�t stop him from wondering at the marvels of technology. In some ways it left him in awe of what could be accomplished with just a push of a button. In other ways it scared him to think that mass destruction could happen in the same way. Sometimes he wondered if the world would be a better place if there were no computers or internet or any other amazing feat of science.

Then one of the �bots would pull a childish prank on him, or he would glance over and see Joel finish his latest amazing invention, or hear Clayton rant and/or rave about a new scientific breakthrough he had just read about, and he would relax.

Ever the optimist, Mike would smile and feel some hope for the future.

-Email the Writer

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