Pern Home

You walk into a small cave next to Rogue Predator's lair. A notice is pinned to the rock wall and you read it.


This lair is where my Pern creatures live. Feel free to go in and look at them, but do not steal anything.

White Tiger

These are my firelizards from Mooncrest Weyr. I won them in a trivia contest. These five are all named for their colours. As you can see, they're still hatchlings.

Gold female firelizard Coin. Dominant and bossy, all others obey her.

Coin as a hatchling

Bronze male firelizard Alloy. Courageous protector of the other flits.

Alloy as a hatchling

Brown male firelizard Timber. Sensible and helpful, delivers messages.

Timber as a hatchling

Blue male firelizard Lagoon. Good swimmer, likes to catch and eat fish.

Lagoon as a hatchling

Green female firelizard Jade. Agile, does acrobatic tricks while flying.

Jade as a hatchling

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