Robin is a Girl’s Name Anyway: Chapter Two: Rouge Robin

A.N: I know, I feel awful about not updating sooner. Don’t blame me though! The program I use to write my stories on decided to die on me, so we finally uploaded a new one. Once I start a fic on one program, I can’t finish it on another. I just can’t do both. So, don’t worry, there will be alot more updating, alot sooner. Also, if you remember Kyle from Night of the Fector Hybrid, that comes up too.

“No way! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Emily said, not sure weather to laugh or to feel embaressed. She twirled one of Terry’s batarangs around her gloved fingers nonchalantly, the silver glove glinting and sparkiling along with the rest of her new costume against the neon lights behind her.

Terry had to admit it: She was stunning. She stood there, one leg pushed out at an angle so that the opposite hip stuck out slightly, and with the beautiful gold of her new transformation, along with the old silver of the boots, gloves, emblem, and goggles, it was no wonder to him that he was having trouble keeping Kyle away from her.

Emily was flattered by the amount of attention Kyle was trying to shower her with, and with the big brother act Terry was giving in her protection.

“Stop acting like such a big brother!” Emily had hissed at him.

“Give me one good reason why I should let that creep near you?”

“Because you’re the one who’s being a creep, and I’m three days older!”

And that was true. Kyle was the true polar opposite of a creep. He was charming and kind and considerate. He wasn’t pushy, he wasn’t forceful. He understood completely, or at least tried to, that Emily simply couldn’t, at the moment, commit to a relationship.

And Emily was crazy about him.

And this scared Terry. Nobody, but nobody hung around his cousin unless they had Terry’s say so. Which really was ridiculous. The only person in her entire year in Gotham that she’d met on her own was Kat, and she was currently doing community service.

But what was worse was that Kyle was crazy about Emily, and Emily knew this. It scared her too, but at the same time, gave her a huge thrill, one that no amount of nights on patrol could ever do for her. She had never strayed from the safety of her cousin’s love, and that of her friends that she’d made in Gotham. A relationship with the kind, and debonaire Kyle would have been a welcome change, and at eighteen, soon to be nineteen, Emily deserved to have a bit of freedom.

Terry knew this. He understood this. But accept it? No, he couldn’t fathom it. So Emily had a bit of resentment built up against Terry. But when duty called, as it had that night, Emily easily and quickly put her differences aside for the common good. And Terry tried to do the same.

“No, I’m dead serious,” he responded, snatching back the ‘rang, while Emily pouted.

She shrugged. “Stranger things have been seen between Heaven and Earth.”

“That’s very good. Did you just make it up?”

“Naw, I think I read it in a book somewhere.”


As it turned out, what they had been discussing was a call in from Bruce, stating that a gang of thugs, dressed as ancient Egyptians, were currently robbing one of Gotham’s premier jewelry stores.

Emily had responded “In this heat, who could blame them.”

Bruce had responded by snapping at the both of them to get moving before the jewelry store became an empty room.


“At last, the Jade Scorpion is finally mine,” said Hepshetsut, her own green eyes sparkling. “Good work my slaves.”

The men bowed, as Hepshetsut ran smooth fingers over her treasure. But one of the slaves had not trained and been resurrected with the thieving queen. One had just been picked off the streets when one of the slaves had died in training. And he made the large mistake of not bowing.

“But, er, you Highness? That’s the least expensive thing in the store! Why not get our hands on some of these diamonds?”

“Silence!” she said, cutting him off with a sweep of her hand. “We have what we came for, now we will go.”

“No way! I’m getting some of these pearls!”

Hepshetsut glared at him. “Touch them, and you go against my wishes.”

“Watch me care,” he said, smashing the glass. Hepshetsut stuck her fine nose in the air, snapping her long fingers. A slave raised his gun and cut down the rebel.

“These modern fire machines are some what barbaric, but ever so useful,” she said, nonchalantedly. “Shall we go?”

“I think not,” said a voice, standing in the doorway.


“You want to take the front, or should I?” asked Batman.

“Go ahead,” responded Fox. “You’re Batman, you should have the grand entrance.”

“Are you being sarcastic?”

“No. I like the back better.”

“What did I do now?!”

“I dunno, what did you do?”

“So am I not in trouble?”

“If you stop giving Kyle a hard time, no, your not.”

“Puh! Like that’s gonna happen.”

“In that case I’ll someday find it in my heart to forgive you,” Emily said, sticking her nose in the air and jumping down into the back alley.

“Okay,” said Terry to himself, “I’ll take the front.” He jumped down, kicking the front door open, ready to fight, but what he saw made him stop. Fox kicked in the back door, her fists in the air. They quickly dropped to her sides. She crossed the room, dodging the scuffle, and stood next to Batman.

“Uhh.....” she started.

There was someone, decked out in a Robin suit! It was high tech, the colors darker, blending in more with the night, with brownish tan skin, and the bright red hair that was signature Max.

“Oh Ra! More?” said Hepshetsut, who was standing off to the side. “I’m assuming you can handle this,” she said, clapping her hands and disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

“Hey guys!” called Robin, as she punched someone out.

“Max?” asked Emily, taking a step forward.

“You wanna try one?” she called, stepping back.

“Max, no!” called Terry. Too late. The thug had punched her out, giving more a chance to escape. Some had already slipped into the alley quietly. The one whom Max had been scuffling with ran out, while Batman tried to give chase, but he was far too fast. Fox rushed to Robin’s side, helping her up.

“So,” she asked, laughing nervously, “nice weather we’re having, huh?”

Terry and Emily simply glared at her.

To Be Continued....

Uh-oh...Bruce'll be pissed when he finds out Max's is the new Robin. What will he do? Find out! Read the next chapter!
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