There's a Fine Line Between Love and Hate.....And Your Walking it Chapter Two: Wills and Ways

"Is it the same Batman?" asked Kat timidly. Her grandmother had finally told her the truth, but in spite of this, Kat still felt helpless.

"It could be," admitted Selina. "But I don't think it is.....No, he was human...At least I think so....he would have died years ago......After awhile it just would have become too much for him....."

"I want to do it," Kat whispered breathlessly.

"What?" asked Selina, not liking at all where this was going.

"I want to do it!"

"You can't be serious!"

"Why not? If there's a new Batman, why can't there be a new Catwoman?"

"Because I won't allow it! You'd be traced back to me in an instant. Gordon's no idiot. Despite what other's might think....."

"I'd be giving it all to the program anyway! That's how you got off the hook in the first place right?"

"Kat, you have no id-"

"I'm going to do it! And you can't stop me!"

"Oh yes I can! You'll get yourself killed out there with no training or anything!"

"Then you'll help me? You'll train me?" Kat said breathlessly, not daring to hope.


"Then I'll do it on my own!" And she turned to burst out of the apartment, but Selina grabbed her arm.

"So it's either I'm with you or against you?" she said, sounding more defeated then she ever had before. Kat nodded. She sighed.

"Then what choice do I have?" she asked, burying her face in her hands. Kat cried out in pure joy.


"SILVER SWORD!" screamed the Fox as she tested out her latest transformation on some Jokerz. This time the boots, gloves, goggles, and fox were gray, the rest of it was silver.

There was the sound of a rush of air as Fox's sword sliced down on a garbage can as warning. The can split cleanly in two and the Jokerz took off for the hills.

"You, my friend, are going to put me out of business," said Batman, who hadn't had to move a muscle.

"Nonsense," she replied, but just then had to lean against the wall and take several deep breaths.

"Emily?" asked Terry. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," she said, breathless. "Just...Just a little tiered. I...I guess the Fox Silver Ring takes a lot out of me is all...."

"It could be all that fancy sword slinging you just did," he said sarcastically. The Fox preceded to study her gloved hand. She simply called out for the weapon, and gleaming silver, flashing with energy, it appeared in her hand. Her energy? Either way it was wiping her out. Batman put a hand to his cowl as a call from Bruce came in.

"It's just some art thief down on eighty third. It's no problem really, I can handle it if you need a break," said Batman. Fox desperately wanted to protest, but found that she didn't have the energy to do so.

"Call me if you need me," was all she could breath out. He nodded and she slumped against the wall, breathing deeply again.


"Careful....Careful!" said the voice in Catwoman's receiver.

"I can't exactly concentrate with you interrupting me every five seconds!" she hissed back.

"You've taken too much time! Just get the painting and get out of there!"

"Alright, alright!" Catwoman hurriedly, yet carefully finished the job. She was climbing out onto the roof when she felt all of the wind knocked out of her by something she couldn't see. Batman had suddenly appeared before her as she was doubled up on the ground with the force of the blow. He reached down to grab her arm and pin it, but she tripped him, grabbing his own arm.

"You didn't really think I would be that easy did you? You didn't really think I was just some common art thief?"

"Kat! Don't gloat! Just tie him up and get out of there!"

Catwoman was doing this hurriedly. But when this was finished she leaned him against a chimney, she against another.

"I've got some questions for you, and your going to answer them, like it or not."

"Kat, in the name of all things holy, I'm begging you with the voice of experience, get out of there now!" Kat simply turned of the receiver.

"Oh boy," thought Terry. "Here it comes...."

"Are you the original Batman?" she asked. He loosened up a bit. That was it? He was feeling a bit better. He heard nothing from Bruce on the other line to suggest that he not answer the question.


"Are you his son?"


"Does he have a son?"


"Any children?"


"Are you gonna tell me who you are?"


Kat looked relived at the first questions, frustrated at the next.

"I could just take off that little cowl of yours and find out all for myself."

"You wouldn't recognize me."

"Oh wouldn't I?"


"I could just hold you here as a hostage. Might come quite in handy."

"Not while I'm around!" And with that Fox had knocked Catwoman down, her sword drawn, her stance, fighting. Catwoman drew her whip.

Fox closed in and Catwoman struck hard across the shoulder. Emily skidded across the roof top in unexpected pain. She closed in again, this time dodging the whip and making a nice slice along her side. She could hear Catwoman cry out in pain. There was then a sneer across her face as she drew a small ball from a pouch at her side. She tossed it on the ground, it exploding and the rooftop was soon covered in smoke. Batman and Fox coughed relentlessly. Batman could see the shadow of Catwoman, feel her gloved hand, and hear her voice as she steeped out of the smoke, lifting his chin, and giving him one long teasing kiss and then disappear.

When the smoke cleared, there was only the two partners, Emily looking extremely cross.

"Just an art thief on eighty third huh?"


Bruce hadn't said anything because he couldn't.

It was impossible....

"Selina," he murmured inaudibly. He knew it wasn't her, but suddenly a rush of painful memories swept into him. He felt himself swallow hard. He could only sit there, in front of the screen, frozen, listening to his rasping breath, watching the three fight.

They were so simply, Catwoman's techniques, that they were brilliant. They seemed so outdated. Fox and Batman were used to fighting high tech villains. Used to the extreme challenge of out maneuvering and out smarting them. Relying on old techniques, things with out much panache, was utterly ingenious. It had had the pair stumped.

This would mean more late nights for training.


"Kat that was utterly reckless!" shouted Selina when her granddaughter got home again, having succeeded.

"But my quick thinking saved me," she said grinning. She didn't feel like arguing with her grandmother. She was feeling on top of the world as she winced as the side wound stung.

"You could have just tied him up there and left him like that! You know that! What are you trying to prove?"

"I don't have to prove anything!" she said. "I'm doing this for the program, not glory!"

"You didn't have to kiss him..." Selina muttered. She had been against this from the start, and was desperately wishing she had burned that accursed box.

"Yes I did," Kat thought. It had been sensational, being out there, footloose and fancy free. She felt untouchable, even though that blasted sword had stung awfully. She hated to have to mend the leather. It would be a challenge.

But she had left her mark on Batman now. He wasn't going o forget who she was for quite awhile.


To Be Continued...

Dun, dun, dun...Now Batman and Fox have a new enemy, and Emily's new Silver transformation has just revealed itself. Find out what happens! Click!
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