Sunny & The Sunliners

Mi Ultimo Aviso

Jurastes no volver en amorte
Y otra vez te has call�do coraz�n
Dijestes que ya nadien te importaba
Que toda era mentiras,
Y otra ves, en mi huerto, hay ilusi�n

Ya aviso que ya pensando abandonarte
Si te enga�as y te pierdes otra ves
No quiero ya mas penar por tu culpa
Si vuelven a burlarte,
Ya no cuentes conmigo coraz�n

Creiras que el amor es un juguete
Y pasas uno a otro, Y juegas con me vida
Tu sabras, en los lios en que te metes
Nomas, no me digas, Si pierdes la partida

Jurastes no volver en amor te
Y otra vez te has call�do coraz�n
Que sea la ultima ves que te perdono
Y hoy en aledante,
No me busques ya mas complicacion

My Last Warning

You swore never to fall in love again
And once again you've fallen heart of mine.
You said that nobody mattered to you
That all was a lie,
And again, in my orchard, there's illusion

I warn you that I'm thinking of abandoning you
If you are deceived and you get lost again
I don't want to suffer any more because of you
If they fool you again,
Don't look at me, heart of mine

You must think that love is a toy
And you pass it around, and play with my life
You'll know, what problems you'll get into
Just, don't tell me,
If you lose the game

You swore never to fall in love again
And once again you've fallen heart of mine.
Let it be the last time I forgive you
And from now on,
Don't look for me with complications


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