Wings of an Angel
Chapter 1

       Aya stared down at Omi, watching with a silent vigil as the teenager’s caramel hair swayed in the breeze from an open window. The red head had always known there was something more to the sleeping teenager before him, but he didn’t think he was an angel. Well, not an angel, but he sure did look like it. Omi’s left wing was thrown over his slender body while his right was hanging off the other side of the bed.
       The memory flashed in Aya’s mind, playing over and over as he mentally berated himself for being so slow...

       They were fighting Schwarz in an empty parking lot. Farfarello had slammed Omi between to cars and the smallest Weiss had no where to go. The Irishman charged and Aya had tried to catch him. But he couldn’t make it. That’s when it happened.
       A brilliant flash knocked Farfarello across the parking lot, sending him sprawling. Omi was glowing, actually glowing, a pristine white and two magnificent angel wings burst from his back. He looked so superior at that moment, standing straight and tall with a certain aura from his stance. He swiped his hand threw the air, sending the rest of Schwarz flying.

“Holy hell!” Yohji cried, staring at his teammate. Omi swayed on his feet before crumpling into Aya’s arms.

       And now their smallest member was bed ridden with two large angel wings prodding from his back. It was an incredibly warm day so they had decided to leave his window open, but they were hesitant due to the fact somebody might see Omi.
       Suddenly, two effulgent midday eyes fluttered open and the teenager blinked in quiet confusion.

“Aya-kun? What happened?” Omi asked, reaching up to rub at his eyes. His hand met with the feathers of his wing and he yipped in surprise. “What happened to me!?”

“Calm down.” Aya spoke in a calm voice. “Do you remember the battle with Schwarz?”

“Yes…” Omi frowned, as if it were hard to do.

“When Farfarello charged you, you grew wings.” Aya slowly said each word, as if his brain was sluggishly giving into the fact. “Ken suggested you have psychic powers like Schwarz as well, they were just never released.” Omi nodded, mulling this information about in his head. “Are you feeling all right?” Aya asked cautiously, noting the teenager’s slow thinking.

“Just…dazed I guess is the best word for it.” Omi rubbed one of the pristine feathers between his middle finger and thumb. “Are Ken-kun and Yohji-kun all right?” He asked worriedly. Aya nodded solemnly. “I’d like to sleep now, Aya-kun. I’m tired.”

“Hai.” Aya understood and walked to leave, ignoring the pull in his heart that tugged him back towards the small caramel haired boy.

“And Aya-kun…Thanks.” Omi smiled sunnily and Aya felt his entire being brighten. The red headed assassin nodded and closed the door behind him.


       Schuldich cursed loudly in German as he shifted on the couch, his shoulder screaming at him. Damn that Weiss brat.

“Why the fuck didn’t you foresee that!?” The red head cried, aiming this at Crawford. The American gave him a steely glare.

“I can’t foresee everything.” He stated coldly.

“Obviously.” The German huffed and went back to fixing up his bruised knee. When Schwarz had been thrown across the parking lot by that fucking little bitch, the German had been slammed into Crawford’s car, his knee hitting a hub cap and his shoulder the rear-view mirror. “I swear, I’m going to rip those fucking wings off his back and fry them.”

“God’s whore will pay for this.” Farfarello hissed as he kept a wary eye on the German, watching his lover’s wounds closely. Nagi’s response was to roll his eyes in annoyance. Crawford snapped up from bandaging Nagi’s torso, where the teenager had scraped it along the ground, signaling he was having a vision.

“Esset wants us to capture him and turn him over to our side.” Brad locked gazes with Schuldich.

“How are we going to do that?” Nagi mumbled as his leader resumed. “Capture him, break him and Schuldich will erase his memories.” The dark haired American replied solemnly.

“Oh hell no!” The German cried his voice high-pitched. “I’m not busting my fucking ass just so Esset can have a new plaything.”

“I know it drains you of energy, but it’s an order.” Crawford stated, trying to be reasonable. His head was pounding and his entire body was stinging. He smirked. “Think of how fun it will be to watch Weiss get ripped apart by their baby bird.”

“I like that.” Schuldich’s lips curled upward, though it really couldn’t be called a smile.

~End of Chapter 1~ 1

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