In An Elevator
In an Elevator

Schuldich was bored, so very bored. He was sitting in the waiting room outside an old, creepy businessman’s office. Crawford, the sadistic bastard, had a meeting with the man and had dragged the rest of Schwarz along. Farfarello was entertaining himself by balancing a knife on his nose while Nagi was typing away at his laptop in a busy manner. The German himself was sitting on a couch, his feet propped up on a very expensive looking coffee table, smoking while coolly ignoring the disapproving look from the middle-aged secretary.

“Tch, forget this.” He stood up in one fluid movement before yanking his lover up with him. “We’re going to get coffee from the shop across the street.” He said curtly.

“All right.” Nagi replied absently. The German knew he was chatting online with his Weiss lover, Ran Fujimiya. Schuldich had known for a while, but had decided to keep it a secret. Besides, there were many things he and Farfie did that the slender Japanese boy kept quite about...
The red head led his Irish lover into the elevator and groaned. It would be hell going from the top floor to the bottom. The elevators were slow as hell. He pressed the ground floor button and leaned into the wall. Farfarello sent him an amused stare, causing the German to suck his breath in sharply. Suddenly, the car stopped and the door opened. Three middle-aged men walked in, all wearing business suits, and rudely stood between the two assassins.

Dammit...Hey...This could be good... Farfarello spotted Schuldich’s trademark evil smirk on the other side of the car as two women walked, separating the two lovers even more. The Irishman smirked back and began to hum the first seven notes of the world’s most annoying song over and over again, the lyrics playing in his head.

It’s a small world after allllll…

You’re sick Farf. Schuldich hit himself on the forehead and murmured, “dammit, would all of you just shut the hell up.” Needless too say, the people closest too him back away a step.
The doors opened again and the Irishman made racecar noises as three people got off and two got on. Schuldich leaned towards another passenger and mumbled, “Noogie patrol coming!” Farfarello struggled to keep a straight face while Schuldich nodded earnestly to the slightly scared man. Three people got on while two got off leaving five other people on the elevator with the two. Farfarello moved into a corner, faced the wall and stood totally motionless until it stopped again and two got off while one got on. Schuldich, on the other hand, was swaying from side to side, as if on a boat.
Farfarello scampered to the buttons and began pushing all of them while singing “Mary had a Little Lamb”. Schuldich leaned towards a woman, studying her for a few moments before stating “You’re one of THEM” and hiding in a corner.

“Know what?” The Irishman asked a small, balding man while struggling to keep a straight face. “I’ve got new socks on!” Farfarello grinned happily and crawled away on all fours towards Schuldich, who was huddling in a corner, rocking himself. Needless to say, at the next stop, the two were alone.

~End~ 1

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