Name: Carlos
Cause of Death: Freddy turns Carlos' hearing-aid into a super-powerful hearing-aid, Krueger then starts to rub his claws on a chalkboard. Carlos can't stand the pain anymore, so his head explodes.
Murder-weapon: Strong Hearing-Aid

Name: Spencer
Cause of Death: He is put into a video game where he is fighting off all these characters. Freddy takes control over him like a puppet and starts ramming him into the wall and ceiling and stomping him to death.
Murder-weapon: Feet

Name: John Doe
Cause of Death: John is falling from the sky, and Freddy puts a bed of spikes on the ground to break his fall. How nice of him.
Murder-weapon: Bed of spikes

Name: Fred Krueger
Cause of Death: Maggie, Freddy's daughter, brings him into the real world. She traps him in a room and throws knifes, ninja stars, arrows, etc, at him. Finally ending his life with a pipe-bomb.
Murder-weapon: Arsenal of weapons
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