This is my Third Picture Page full of surprises and treats!
HAHAHA!!!! Yes this is Ismail.  He has a disease where he will look like this for the rest of his life.  He is 18 years old and looks like this.  He still has that stylish sweater and wears it all the time.  He will always be a piece of shit in life and I will own him in everything that we ever do.  I beat him in every type of competition ever.  Ismail also is a sicko because he picks his pubic hair and puts the hair in his mouth.  Its sick.
Ali Brothers In The House!!!!!  The stomach is my friend Fat Ali. He goes to S.O.C.E.S. and he currently weighs 680 lbs.  His weight problems have worked to his advantage because he uses that sick ass gut in basketball to make in virtually impossible to get around him.  He is also a pimp and seems to have a different girl every week.  The one licking the sweat off the stomach is Little Ali.  He is on page 1 of my friends/pictures section.  You can find out about him there.
This is yet another picture of fat ali and little ali, better known as the "Ali Brothers". In this picture little Ali is making some kind of a useless stupid ass monkey face and rubbing fat ali's belly for good luck.  He is also trying to reach that big ass hole in the middle of fat ali's stomach to see whats in that hole. 
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