The Other Side of the River

Photos by Nigel Amies

These photographs were made in and around Vientiane, Laos between 2002-3 with a Holga 120S camera - the all-plastic cheapo Chinese made medium-format marvel famed for it's fuzzy, viginetted, out-of-focus, over or under exposed images.The title is a reference to Vientiane's location on the banks of the Mekong, facing Thailand, just a few hundred meters away on the other side. This juxta-positioning between the two countries - with all their mutual dreamings, imaginings and stereotypings across a stretch of often no more (and frequently a lot less) than 500 or so meters of muddy water - has provided much of the inspiration behind this on-going project. This website itself is also an on-going project, or perhaps more accurately an on-going experiment - much like using the Holga! Hopefully some of this work will be shown later this year - 2003 -at the T'shop Lai gallery in Vientiane. Dates to be announced later. Drop by if you happen to be in the neighbourhood.

All material contained herein is COPYRIGHTED by Nigel Amies. These images are provided for viewing only. They are not intended for reproduction either in part or in whole, in this or any other medium. They are not to be downloaded, copied, used to create any derivative work, or used for any reason, by any means, without the written permission of Nigel Amies - and that's hard to get!

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