Act I
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Quest I Den of evil
You get quest one from Akara in the Rogue Encampment. She tell you that there is a place of great evil in the Blood Moor just outside the Rogue Encampment. This quest is easy all you have to do is find the den of evil in Blood Moor and kill all the enemies. Once this is done the cave will light up and Akara will give you a skill point.
Quest II Sisters' burial grounds
Once you have done quest I Kashya ask you to kill Blood Raven. To reach Blood Raven go through Blood moor and into the Cold Plains and hit the WP. Train in the Cold plains untill you reach lvl    3-5 and then look for the burial grounds. once your there kill blood raven. Go bact to town and talk to Kashya and she will let you hire out one of her mercenaries.
Quest III The cairn stones
You start this quest after talking to Akara. She tell you that you need to find Deckard Cain (from diablo) and save him. To do  this you will need to travel from the cold plains WP through Stony Field (hit the WP there) then through the Underground Passageway then up into Dark wood. Now look round untill you find the tree of Inifuss, click on it, pick up the Bark scroll. find the wp and go back to Town. Talk to Akara then go back to Stony Field (through the WP) and find the Cairn Stones and kill all the mosters nearby. Read the Bark scroll and touch the stones in the order it said and a portal open to Tristram (from diablo). Once you are in Tristram find Deckard Cain and free him and then go back to the town and talk to Deckard Cain and Akara.
Quest IV The frogotten Tower
Go to the Black Marsh next to the Dark wood and hit it WP then look for a Tower there. Once you found the tower go down to the bottom lvl and kill the Countess. Bewhere there is a boss on every lvl of the tower and the Countess can cast the spell fire wall.
Quest V Tools of the trade
Talk to Charsi and she will tell you that she left her Horadric malus in the Monastery. You must be at least lvl 8 to do this quest when you are go to the Black marsh WP then move through the Tamoe Highlands, the monastery and the Outer Cloister (hit the WP there) untill you reach the Barracks. look round untill you find the smith and the malus. the smith is a boss and he guards the malus once you killed him you can go and pick up the malus and take it back to charsi where she will imbue one of your items (she can only do this once so chose carefully.
Quest VI Sisters to the slaughter
Talk to Cain to get this quest and then go to the Outer Cloister move back into the Barracks and then go through the jail (3 lvl, WP on lvl1) and the inner Cloister (WP here too), through the Cathedral and the Catacomes (4 lvl's, WP on lvl 2, Andariel on lvl 4). When you get to lvl 4 Catacomes open a TP and clear out the area, through the big double is Andariel  who shoot out poison so you will need some Antidote potions. Kill her and a TP will open go throu it and talk to Warriv to get to act II (you can use WP to get beween acts too)
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