Quarter 3 packet 1 Wkst.7
pg. 231 Test Prep 1-13
True or False
1. A chemical bond results from the mutual attraction of the nuclei for electrons.______

2. A nonpolar covalent bond is unlikely to form between two atoms that differ in electronegativitiy.______

3. To draw a Lewis structure, it is not necessary to know bond energies._____

4. Multiple covalent bonds may occur in atoms that contain carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen.______

5. The Lewis structure of methane, CH4, contains 4 covalent bonds.______

6. VSEPR states that the electostatic repulsion between electron pairs surrounding an atom causes a bond to break.______

7. In a polar covalent bond, the electronegativity of the two atoms is zero. ________

8. According to VSEPR theory, the shape of an AB4 molecule with no unshared electrons would be tetrahedral.______

9. Compared with covalent nonds, the strength of intermolecular forces is generally weaker._______

10. In writing a Lewis structure for a polyatomic ion, one electron must be added for each unit of moles.______

11. In Lewis electron-dot structures, the atomic symbol represents atomic number._________

12. Due to the presence of an unshared pair of electrons, the shape of ammonia, NH3, is trigonal pyramidal._______

13. The energy released in the formation of a covalent bond is the difference between zero and the maximum potential energy._______
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