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New Imperial Federation Third Fleet

Task Force Delusion

Fleet Commander: Robert Jackson
Task Force Commander: Jacen Wesiri
Headquarters: Clak'dor VII, Mayagil Sector
Capital Ships: 13
Starfighter Squadrons: 43,5
Imperial Troopers: 10,040
Task Force Directive: This task force is specially designed for covert operations while retaining the firepower for front line duty. All ships and fighters in the force are of typical rebel nature, and carries rebel starfighters and vehicles.

Dauntless-class Cruiser Performance


Ship Captain: Vacant

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers

Current Assignment:

Performance was taken from the clutches of the New Republic in a fierce battle over Khomm. It now serves as the flagship of TF Delusion. This design was the second-largest battleship in the Alliance fleet during the Galactic Civil War. The Dauntless-class was developed from a series of luxury liners converted into warships with formidable armaments, heavy plating and shielding. It also features an excellent sensor package and countermeasures system. The result was a sleek, battle-ready platform which served on the front line of many space battles. Unlike most converted civilian ships, this design features no weaknesses. It is overall comparable to the Imperator mk II class Star Destroyer in battle performance. This class of ships have their main weapons on the broadside arcs. It has better rear coverage than the typical ISD, but less frontal weapons coverage. All statistics are based on comparative analysis of Star Wars: Rebellion, where this ship first appears.


Name/Type: Dauntless-class Cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation
Combat Role: Heavy Cruiser
Crew: (est.) 32,976 + 330
Length: 1,440 meters
Speed: 60 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 5,760 SBD
Hull Rating: 1665 RU
Weapons: 50 Heavy Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries, 50 Heavy Taim & Bak Turbolaser Cannons, 12 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannon Batteries, 2 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 4 squadrons.
Troops: 6,400 Troopers
Support Craft: 20 shuttles and light freighters.

MC90-class Star Cruiser

  • Excelsior

The Defiance-class, or MC90 with the Calamarian system, is the first truly military design from the Mon Calamari shipyards. It is significantly more powerful than its predecessor, the MC80B-class. It has more weaponry for its size than any previous Mon Calamari design, but it remains weaker than the Imperator II class in firepower due to its civilan grade turbolasers, while it sports superior shielding. Is also retains the secondary hallmarks of MC designs, speed, manoeuverability and backup shield generators. The MC90 is also the first calamari ship that has interior design suitable for use by other species than Calamarians. It carries a full wing of starfighters.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Mon Calamari 90-class Star Cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards
Combat Role: Heavy Cruiser
Crew: 5860 + 605 Gunners
Length: 1255 meters
Speed: 70 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 8000 SBD + 8000 Backup
Hull Rating: 2272 RU
Weapons: 75 Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries, 30 ArMek Ion Cannon Batteries, 8 Phylon Tractor Beam Projectors, 6 Proton Torpedo/Missile Tubes.
Fighter Complement: 6 Squadrons.
Troops: 1,700 Troopers, Airspeeders, Freerunners, Tramp Shuttles, Heavy Trackers, ULAVs, speeder bikes.
Support Craft: V-wing Transports, 5 Lambda-class T-4a Shuttles, 2 Modified YT-1300 Light Freighters.

MC80-class Star Cruiser

  • Lobotomy

The Lobotomy is an old ship with a long history. It first served as a front-line warship iin the rebel alliance, later it was converted to a New Republic science vessel. When captured by the NIF in the Arkania system, it was refitted for use as NIF's first science vessel. After the completion of the new Arc Hamnmer-class Moonnrider, it was reverted back to front line duty, while it retains special equipment from it's past.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Mon Calamari 80-class modified Star Cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards
Combat Role: Medium Cruiser
Crew: 3,000 + 250 Science personnel
Length: 1200 meters
Speed: 56 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 4050 SBD + 8000 Backup.
Hull Rating: 2000 RU
Weapons: 15 Quad Turbolasers, 10 ArMek Ion Cannon Batteries, Space Mine Defense Launcher, 8 Phylon Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 2 squadrons.
Troops: None.
Support Craft: 5 Lambda-class T-4a Shuttles, 2 Modified YT-1300 Light Freighters.
Special: Cloaking Device.

Mon Calamari 40A-class Star Cruisers

  • Retribution
  • Osiris Claw

The MC40a is a three engine vessel that features a large hangar bay on its port side. This was originally a luxury star liner predating the larger MC80 cruisers. It is however more standardized in design and easier to refit. The MC40a is faster and more maneuverable than the regular MC80. Unfortunately, the ship is undergunned for its size. While the MC40a is a competent vessel if used properly, many were poorly deployed in single-ship engagements, usually against Victory-class Star Destroyers. It has room for two fighter squadrons, but sometimes only keeps one. Like other Mon Calamari ships, each 40A is unique. The Poesy had 14 turbolasers, 18 ion cannons and 6 heavy tractor beam projectors.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Mon Calamari 40a
Designer/Manufacturer: Mon Calamari Shipyards
Combat Role: Light Cruiser
Crew: 3,723 + 35 Gunners
Length: 505 Meters
Speed: 70 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 2,560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1,216 RU
Weapons: 14 Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Ion Cannons, 3 Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 2 squadrons
Troops: 650 Troopers
Support Craft: Lambda-class T-4a Shuttles, Modified YT-1300 Light Freighters.

CC-7700 Frigates

  • Tranquilizer

This older frigate is, in many respects, the predecessor to the Corellian Gunship. The ship is lightly armed, but the CC-7700 was not meant to be a battle ship. Instead, it is designed to be a platform for gravity well projectors with a mission profile similar to the Imperial Interdictor cruiser. Gravity well projectors simulate the mass of planetary bodies, which causes the built-in saftey to disable hyperdrives in nearby ships. This effectively prevents ships from entering hyperspace and leave the area. Although it is possible to circumvent the safeties, this takes some time and increases the risk of a disastrous misjump. The safest way to escape an interdictor is to move out of the area of the gravity well before jumping.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: CC-7700 Frigate
Designer/Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Combat Role: Interdictor/Light Frigate
Crew: 586+60 Gunners
Length: 180 Meters
Speed: 50 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 600 SBD
Hull Rating: 230 RU
Weapons: 5 Turbolaser Batteries, 24 Laser Cannons, 2 Gravity Well Projectors.
Fighter Complement: None.
Troops: None.
Support Craft: 2 Delta-Class Shuttles, 1 Troop Transport.

Flurry-class Carriers

  • Rising Star
  • Shining Star
  • Morning Star
  • Evening Star

The Flurry class derives from the customization of the modular Quasar Fire class bulk crusier into a carrier. It is lightly armed for defence only. Its primary fuction is the delivery of starfighters into battle. Originally this ship held 50 fighters, but later models have been shown to carry 72.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Flurry-class Carrier
Designer/Manufacturer: SoroSuub Corporation / Virgillian Free Alignment Forces
Combat Role: Escort Carrier
Crew: 96 + 14 Gunners
Length: 340 Meters
Speed: 50 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 1600 SBD
Hull Rating: 800 RU
Weapons: 2 Heavy Taim & Bak Turbolaser Cannons, 2 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 6 squadrons
Troops: 140 Starfighter Technicians and 85 Troopers.
Support Craft: None.

Assassin-class Corvettes

  • Talon
  • Eagle
  • Astepan

The class was designed and put into production since its predecessor, the CR90 Corellian Corvette, did not have sufficient firepower and was vulnerable in battle. The body of this vessel maintains the same general shape as its predecessor, although it has a different exterior design with a different engine array. It maintains eight large and three small engines all in a complete compact section. The Modified Corvette has been seen in use by the Galactic Empire, New Republic and other organizations and groups. The Empire has used this craft in its System Patrol Squadrons and for armed transports.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Assassin-class model CR90a modified Corvette
Designer/Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Combat Role: Corvette
Crew: 60-165
Length: 153 Meters
Speed: 60 MGLT, 950 Kph
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 400 SBD
Hull Rating: 228 RU
Weapons: 2 Double Turbolaser Cannons, 4 Turbolaser Cannons and 2 Tractor Beam Projectors. (Optional: 1 Warhead Launcher (10 warheads).
Fighter Complement: 6 fighters.
Troops: 100 Troopers.
Support Craft: Up to 2 light transports may be carried instead of the 6 fighters.

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