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New Imperial Federation First Fleet

Research and Development Operations Group One (RDOP1)

Fleet Commander: Ace Roscoe
Task Force Commander: Vacant
Headquarters: Bilbringi, Farfin Sector
Capital Ships: 8
Starfighter Squadrons: 28
Imperial Troopers: 10,130
Task Force Directive: This group of ships serves as a mobile research platform.

Arc Hammer-class science ship Moonrider


Commander: Yuri Romanov
Ship Captain: Locus Experator

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Naval Officers

Current Assignment:

The Arc Hammer-class is a dedicated research platform with the added capacity to manufacture it's own prototypes. The original Arc Hammer is best known for being the key production facility in the Darktrooper project. It is amply defended and can hold it's own against a couple of Star Destroyers, but is not meant to stand and fight. If all else fails, the commander of the ship can activate a self-destruct. Extreme automation of the ships systems allows a very small crew to handle the huge vessel. Most of the ships internal security is also handled by Capital Ship Security Droids, CSSDs. The Moonrider is a massive vessel and the largest science ship in the galaxy.


Name/Type: Arc Hammmer-class science ship
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Role: Research and construction vessel
Crew: 1,024 + 392 Gunners + 2000 science personnel
Length: 6400 Meters
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 19,200 SBD + backup generators
Hull Rating: 16,622 RU
Weapons: 50 Heavy Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries, 50 Heavy Taim & Bak Turbolaser Cannons, 48 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannon Batteries, 4 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors, 24 Concussion Missile Launchers.
Fighter Complement: 24 Squadrons
Troops: 800 Stormtroopers, 250 Security Guards, 5000 CSSD Security Droids.
Support Craft: About 100 shuttlecraft of various types.
Special: Cloaking device, self-destruct mechanism.

Modified Dreadnaught-class Medium Cruiser EX-F

  • EX-F

The EX-F is a unique starship. It was an Imperial weapons and propulsion testbed built at the Black-15 shipyards during the Galactic Civil War. It was captured by the Yevetha during their Purge of the Koornacht Cluster. When it showed up as part of a Yevethan strike force at the second battle of Zhina, it it was recaptured by the NIF.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Modified Dreadnaught-class Medium Cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: Rendili StarDrive
Combat Role: Medium Cruiser
Crew: 16,113 + 168 Gunners
Length: 600 Meters
Speed: 70 MGLT, 800 Kph
Hyperdrive: x0.75
Shield Rating: 2560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1216 RU
Weapons: 20 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 20 Heavy Ion Cannons, 24 Quad Laser Cannon Batteries, 10 General-Purpose Warhead Launchers, 6 Turreted Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 1 Squadron.
Troops: 3,000 Stormtroopers.
Support Craft: 4 Light Transports.

Strike-class Cruisers

  • XPL1

The Strike-class Cruiser was long time unique by its modular design. To many the cruiser's combat capabilities come as quite the surprise. It was designed to be mass produced in a limited amount of time due to the prefabricated component sections. This reduces construction time and it also dramatically lowers the cost of each vessel. It was a triumph of Imperial modular technology. The Strike Cruiser maintains 258 compartments, two of which are brigs. The interiors of the prefabricated sections can be easily modified for specific missions such as troop transport, planetary assault, prefabricated garrison base deployers or carrying a full squadron of starfighters after a short stay at a spaceyard. This enables the ship to change the mission profile of the vessel without the need to build entire new classes of ships to fill needed roles. The weakness of this vessel is that entire systems or weapon batteries can be knocked out by well placed shots as the modular connections fail. Or in combat, if the parts of the Strike Cruiser's internal structure are destroyed the vessel will break itself apart. At the time of the Strike Cruiser's design, the warship's weakness was considered only a minor flaw. These ships are tough, versatile and well armed. The shields are very capable and the ship is often deployed in large numbers. These ships were in service before the Battle of Yavin. Unfortunately, the Rebels and several other groups have been able to obtain a few of these ships for their terrorist or pirate uses.

XPL1 stands for eXperimental PLatform 1. This Strike Cruiser not only serves as an escort vessel for the majestic Moonrider, it is a naval testing platform for new designs. The XPL1 is constantly fitted with new modules with experimental technology to test them out safely.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Strike-class cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: Loronar Defence Industries
Combat Role: Medium Cruiser
Crew: 1,972 + 140 Gunners
Length: 450 Meters
Speed: 60 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 2560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1520 RU
Weapons: 20 Taim & Bak Turbolaser Cannons, 10 Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Ion Cannons, 10 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 1 squadron with extra planetary assault module. 3 squadrons if carrying extra hangar module instead.
Troops: 340 Troops, 1 AT-AT, 2 AT-STs, several support speeders, OR planetary assault module containing 340 Troops, 5 AT-ATs.
Support Craft: None.

Corellian Assassin-class corvettes

  • Udax
  • Ponpax
  • Shai
  • Eris

The class was designed and put into production since its predecessor, the CR90 Corellian Corvette, did not have sufficient firepower and was vulnerable in battle. The body of this vessel maintains the same general shape as its predecessor, although it has a different exterior design with a different engine array. It maintains eight large and three small engines all in a complete compact section. The Modified Corvette has been seen in use by the Galactic Empire, New Republic and other organizations and groups. The Empire has used this craft in its System Patrol Squadrons and for armed transports.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Assassin-class model CR90a modified Corvette
Designer/Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Combat Role: Corvette
Crew: 60-165
Length: 153 Meters
Speed: 60 MGLT, 950 Kph
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 400 SBD
Hull Rating: 228 RU
Weapons: 2 Double Turbolaser Cannons, 4 Turbolaser Cannons and 2 Tractor Beam Projectors. (Optional: 1 Warhead Launcher (10 warheads).
Fighter Complement: 6 fighters.
Troops: 100 Troopers.
Support Craft: Up to 2 light transports may be carried instead of the 6 fighters.

Symbiot-class Corvette

  • Symbiot

Essentially a DP20-class Corvette, modified to be run by a single person. This is an experimental vessel that still awaits completed test runs.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Modified DP20-class Corvette
Designer/Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Combat Role: Corvette
Crew: 1
Length: 120 Meters.
Speed: 70 MGLT, 1000 Kph
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 416 SBD
Hull Rating: 176 RU
Weapons: 8 Dual Turbolaser Batteries, 6 Quad Laser Batteries, and 4 Concussion Missile Tubes.
Fighter Complement: None.
Troops: None.
Support Craft: None.

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