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Task Force Nemesis

Fleet Commander: Ace Roscoe
Task Force Commander: Vacant
Headquarters: Bilbringi, Farfin Sector
Capital Ships: 136
Starfighter Squadrons: 437
Imperial Troopers: 453,588
Task Force Directive: Task Force Nemesis with the flagship Nemesis in command, leads the NIF fleets at any major occasion. The task force is well balanced to handle any combat situation.

Executor-class Star Destroyer Nemesis


Commander: Ace Roscoe

Current Assignment:

The Nemesis is the command centre of the New Imperial Federation. While the Imperial Fleet is being built up to full strength, Nemesis serves as a front line attack ship. It is the default location of all new recruits. When originally constructed in utmost secrecy in orbit of Annaj, giant repulsorlifts were fitted on it, giving it the ability to enter and leave atmospheres at will. The intention of this modification was to enhance the ship capacity to conduct bombardment with great precision and effectiveness. A year later after a successful series of campaigns, it was upgraded with a stealth coating which makes the ship invisible at sensor range, smilar as the Knight Hammer. A side effect is that the ship became noticeably darker in the hull, thus also reducing enemy visual targeting by 20%. After two and a half years of service, it was further upgraded in armament, armour, shields, and a class 1 hyperdrive. Further details regarding ship statistics can be found here.


See the Imperial Database: SSD Nemesis History for the ship's background.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers
Ship Designation: ESD Nemesis


Name/Type: Executor-class Star Destroyer
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Role: Battleship
Crew: 279,144, 1,590 Gunners
Length: 17600 meters
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 105600 SBD + 52800 SBD Backup
Hull Rating: 50283 RU
Weapons: 950 Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries, 950 Taim & Bak Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 250 General Purpose Warhead Launchers, 250 Borstel Ion Cannon Batteries, 40 Phylon Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 12 squadrons.
Troops: 60,000 Stormtroopers, 25 AT-AT Walkers, 50 AT-ST Walkers, 3 Pre-fabricated Garrison Bases.
Support Craft: 20 Lambda-Class Imperial Shuttles, 15 Assault Shuttles, 10 Assault Gunboats. (200 Combat and Support Craft in total)
Modifications: Improved bombardment capability.
Sensor stealth coating. Reinforced armour and shields. Missile launchers exchanged for GPW launchers. Hyperdrive upgraded.

World Devastators

  • Devourer
  • Quencher
  • Slayer
  • Hellbore
  • Nullifier
  • Voracity

Silencer-class Assault Ships are named after Silencer-1, but they are better known as World Devastators, Planet Smashers, or World Crushers. The World Devastator is a second generation superweapon that consumes anything in its path. The surface of an entire planet can be consumed in the matter of months by these self-sufficient, evolving machines of pure destruction. Incredibly powerful tractor beams disintergrates matter and draws it into huge molecular furnaces through the vessel's maw. In these furnaces, powered by engineered black holes, matter is broken down into its base elements and fed to the World Devastator's vast internal droid-controlled production facilities. Useless matter is converted to energy, while valuable materials are used to create hordes of TIE droid fighters in a matter of a few minutes, and even build Star Destroyers and other World Devastators if the parent Devastator is large enough. In addition to ripping apart worlds, a World Devastator's internal robotic manufacturing plant also improves and expand upon the World Devastator itself. This leads to the fact that no Devastator is static, it grows and becomes more powerful as they consume starships and planetary matter. They are normally grown in safety until they reach maturity. Given enough time, it could potentially become large enough to dwarf any starship. World Devastators have complex computer and guidance systems with a unique identity that creates these customized additions and alterations based on its own decisions. Devastators are incredibly powerful vessels that can rip apart any opponent, nearly invulnerable even to heavy turbolaser fire. Originally, they were regulated by means of a hyperspace-transmitted Master Control Signal. This potential weakness has been since removed by the NIF, and override over the ship's artificial intelligence is instead in the hands of the crew via advanced security measures. Another difference is that the slow class 6 hyperdrive has been replaced by a class 2 military standard drive, since the NIF intends to use these vessels in space combat rather than planetary assault. Finally, the slaves aboard have been replaced by loyal technicians.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Silencer-class Assault Ship
Designer/Manufacturer: Umak Leth / Thomork Shipyards
Combat Role: Assault and construction vessel
Crew: 23,684 + 1,975 Gunners + 2000 Technicians + 1,600 droids.
Length: 3,200 meters
Speed: 50 MGLT, 400 Kph
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 48000 SBD (est.)
Hull Rating: 36569 RU (est.)
Weapons: 125 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 200 Anti-Starfighter Blaster Cannons, 80 Proton Torpedo Tubes, 15 Ion Cannons, 15 Tractor Beam Emplacements (front beams can be fire-linked).
Fighter Complement: 7 squadrons (TIE/DR).
Troops: 8,803 Stormtroopers, 1,500 pilots.
Support Craft: None.
Special: Can produce starships, vehicles and droid fighters.
Modifications: Class 6 hyperdrive replaced with class 2.

Allegiance-class Star Destroyers

  • Desolator
  • Inhibitor
  • Inquisitor
  • Disruptor
  • Destructor

The Allegiance class is present only in heavy fleet concentrations. Incorrectly named "Super Star Destroyer" by the rebels, the ASD is known in the imperial navy as a "heavy star destroyer" or simply "destroyer-killer", which aptly fits the specifications of the ASD. At nearly three kilometers in length, it is five times the mass of a regular Imperator-class Star Destroyer with heavily armoured superstructure. Ten times the power output feeds nearly twice as many weapons and nearly two and a half times stronger shields, all with much improved recharge rate. The ASD is fit for use as a command ship with its extended CIC functions, long-range sensors and powerful EW suites.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Allegiance-class Star Destroyer
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Role: Heavy Cruiser
Crew: 55,133, 450 gunners
Length: 2800 meters
Speed: 70 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 11,720 SBD
Hull Rating: 7,927 RU
Weapons: 100 Heavy Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries, 50 Taim & Bak Heavy Turbolaser Cannons, 20 Warhead Launchers, 50 Borstel Ion Cannon Batteries, 15 Phylon Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 4 squadrons.
Troops: 18,500 Stormtroopers, 35 AT-AT walkers, 52 AT-ST walkers, 2 Pre-fabricated garrison bases.
Support Craft: 10 Alpha Class XG-1 Star Wings, 28 Delta Class Dx-9 or Dx-9s Transports , 15 Lambda Class T-4a Shuttles, 2 Gamma Class Assault Shuttle and 2 TIE Shuttle Craft.

Imperator Mk III Star Destroyers

  • Eradicator
  • Judicator
  • Incinerator
  • Abrogator
  • Terminator
  • Invidious
  • Eliminator
  • Audacious
  • Inexorable
  • Terror
  • Instigator
  • Petrifyer
  • Executioner
  • Excessor
  • Vengeance
  • Darkside
  • Vicious
  • Apocalypse
  • Vehemence
  • Expedient
  • Inextricable

The Imperator Mk III subclass Star Destroyer was the result of modernizing the original Imperator design to reduce the cost to run them. It is heavily automated to reduce the need for crew. It continues the development of the Mk II subclass with less of the heavier turbolasers, but overall increases battle efficiency with superior fire control and improved sustained refire rate. It also features 50 ion cannon batteries which is far more than any other ISD type, improves hangar capacity to 7 starfighter squadrons, and generally only carry modern fighters.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Imperator Mk III-class Star Destroyer
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Role: Heavy Cruiser
Crew: 5,005 + 263 Gunners
Length: 1605 meters
Speed: 70 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 6720 SBD, 4032 SBD Backup
Hull Rating: 2597 RU (est.)
Weapons: 36 Dual Taim & Bak Turbolaser Cannons, 30 Taim & Bak Turbolaser Batteries, 20 Heavy Taim & Bak Turbolaser Cannons, 6 Krupx Concussion Missile Launchers, 50 Borstel Ion Cannon Batteries, 10 Phylon Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 7 squadrons.
Troops: 9,700 Stormtroopers, 20 AT-AT Walkers, 30 AT-ST Walkers, 1 Pre-fabricated Garrison Base.
Support Craft: 5 Alpha Class XG-1 Star Wings, 15 Delta Class Dx-9 or Dx-9s Transports , 8 Lambda Class T-4a Shuttles, 1 Gamma Class Assault Shuttle and 1 TIE Shuttle Craft.

Dominator-class Star Destroyers

  • Engulfer
  • Refrainer

The Dominator was KDY's answer to the popular Immobilizer-418. It is built on the standard hull of the Imperator-class Star Destroyer, but the superstructure holds four powerful gravity well projectors. Unfortunately, this also weakens the hull and the gravity well's immense power requirements causes a certain shield deficiency. Still, while this ship has reduced hangar size and armament compared to it's sister class, it is built for fleet engagements, unlike the Immobilizer. It is a highly versatile ship.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Dominator-class Star Destroyer
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Role: Interdictor/Heavy Cruiser
Crew: 24,764
Length: 1,605 Meters
Speed: 60 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 3840 SBD
Hull Rating: 2272 RU
Weapons: 40 Turbolaser Batteries, 40 Ion Cannons, 20 Laser Cannons, 6 Tractor Beam Projectors and 4 Gravity Well Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 4 Squadrons.
Troops: 5000 Stormtroopers.
Support Craft: 10 Delta Class Dx-9 or Dx-9s Transports , 5 Lambda Class T-4a Shuttles, 1 Gamma Class Assault Shuttle and 1 TIE Shuttle Craft.

Emperor-class Cruisers

  • Monarch
  • Aristocrat
  • Eminent
  • Noble

The Emperor-Class Medium Battle Cruiser is designed to be modular and be able to adapt to an ever changing battle environment. It incorporates the latest in targeting and communication equipment, as well as the latest in deflector shield technology. Keeping with the smaller is better policy adopted, this ship packs an amazing punch for its size with just its base package. Standard layout includes two backup reactors, backup hyperdrive for emergency situations, and up to two backup shield generators.

Complete Technical Readout

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Emperor-class cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: Yuri Romanov / Havoc Industries
Combat Role: Medium Cruiser
Crew: 985 + 225 Gunners. Skeleton crew: 430/+10
Length: 985 Meters
Speed: 75 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 3,850 SBD
Hull Rating: 1,943 RU
Weapons: 27 Taim & Bak Heavy Turbolaser Batteries (top: 20; bottom 3, left: 2; right: 2), 38 Taim & Bak XX-9 "Pop-Up" Turbolasers, 17 Borstel NK 8 Ion Cannons, 48 Laser Cannons, 8 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors, 4 Chaos-Torpedo launcers.
Fighter Complement: 3 squadrons
Troops: 60 Stormtroopers, 40 Naval Troopers.
Support Craft: 4 Lambda-Class Shuttles, 4 Gamma Assault Transports.

Liberator-class Cruisers

  • Valiant
  • Vigilante
  • Courage
  • Resolute
  • Indefatigable
  • Apurano
  • Ecabrice
  • Maldeca
  • Sorakec
  • Phenomenal
  • Remarkable
  • Divergent
  • Crusader
  • Direful
  • Antidote
  • Fierce
  • Firestorm
  • Hurricane
  • Typhoon
  • Tsunami

The SoroSuub Liberator’s slender hull disguises the fact that it can carry three troop regiments and six fighter squadrons. For a capital ship, the Liberator is diminutive of size, but still finds room to host a formidable weapons complement consisting of ion cannons and heavy turbolaser batteries. Utilizing state-of-the-art hull armor, new shielding and drive unit technology, the Liberator is one of the most advanced warships produced during the height of the New Order.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Liberator Cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: SoroSuub
Combat Role: Medium Cruiser
Crew: 291 + 92 Gunners
Length: 398 Meters
Speed: 70 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x1
Shield Rating: 2880 SBD
Hull Rating: 1390 RU
Weapons: 24 Heavy Turbolaser Batteries, 20 Ion Cannons, 5 Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 6 squadrons
Troops: 1,250 Stormtroopers.
Support Craft: None.

Enforcer-class Cruisers

  • Intruder
  • Interloper
  • Arbiter
  • Archer
  • Legacy
  • Cyclone
  • Typhoon
  • Antagonist
  • Justifier
  • Deathwind
  • Malevolent
  • Dark Angel
  • Phoenix
  • Firewolf
  • Thunderer
  • Forerunner
  • War Dog
  • Lonewolf
  • Moonraiser
  • Outcast
  • Warhawk

The Enforcer is built on the same hull as the Immobilizer-418, but without the structural weakness of gravity well projectors, while instead making room for a hangar. It was designed to be a fast flanking and escort vessel, particularly to work in conjunction with its sister class, the Immobilizer-418, in anti-pirate task forces in the outer reaches of the galaxy. The Enforcer is very capable of attacking and defeating small frigates and corvettes, highly maneuverable and very well armed for its size, making for a light cruiser with excellent performance.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Enforcer-class Cruiser
Designer/Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems/Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Role: Light Cruiser
Crew: 3,000 + 65 Gunners
Length: 598 Meters
Speed: 70 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 3170 SBD
Hull Rating: 1270 RU
Weapons: 20 Turbolaser Batteries, 10 Quad Laser Cannons, 6 Ion Cannons and 4 Tractor Beam Projectors.
Fighter Complement: 2 squadrons
Troops: 300 Stormtroopers.
Support Craft: 4 light transports.

Nebulon-B2 class Frigates

Captain of the Stormfire: Desente Blissex

  • Tusk-Cat
  • Equinox
  • Thunderbolt
  • Starbreaker
  • Starseeker
  • Clawbird
  • Crown of the Empire
  • Flashfire
  • Stormfire
  • Tarkin's Revenge
  • Harbinger
  • Abyss
  • Horizon
  • Blitzer
  • Scion
  • Vayeate
  • Tempest

Kuat Drive Yards experimented with improving the Nebulon-B design without loss of performance. The Nebulon-B2 was the answer. It features a shorter, but comparatively reinforced hull, improved firepower and shielding, making it an extremely well armed ship for its size.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Nebulon EF76-B2
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Role: Heavy Frigate
Crew: 1120
Length: 253 Meters
Speed: 40 MGLT, 800 Kph
Hyperdrive: x1,5
Shield Rating: 2560 SBD
Hull Rating: 1820 RU (est)
Weapons: 18 Taim & Bak XI 7 Turbolasers, 22 Borstel RH8 Laser Cannon Batteries, 4 Phylon Q7 Tractor Beam Projectors, 1 General Purpose Warhead Launcher.
Fighter Complement: 2 squadrons
Troops: 150 Stormtroopers.
Support Craft: 2 Grek-class Troop Shuttles and 2 Katarn-class Boarding Shuttles.

Lancer-class Frigates

Captain of the Zakso: David Arnett

  • Zakso
  • Pemov
  • Piker
  • Gunsel
  • Knight
  • Trooper
  • Minion
  • Rider
  • Proteus

After the Battle of Yavin and the destruction of the first operational Death Star, Rebel starfighters were considered very dangerous to Imperial shipping by the admiralty. The Lancer frigate was the answer. It is designed as a platform dedicated solely for the destruction of rebel starfighters. It remains the foremost of all anti-fighter vessels in the galaxy, though it is expensive and thus not deployed in large numbers. Another reason is that rebel fighter attacks didn't increase as much as expected. They come into their own when protecting Imperial convoys or when attacking enemy starfighter bases. The 20 Corellian AG-2G Quad Laser Cannons are specifically calibrated for use against high-speed and manoeuvrable starfighters. The weapons have superior tracking and targeting capabilities and are mounted on elevated towers to provide an increased field of fire. Each bank of quad lasers is fed by a single power generator. Unfortunately, as formidable as this ship performs against fighters, it has no heavy weaponry and is at loss if attacked by another capital ship. Another problem is that is fairly slow at sublight, giving rebel fighters an opportunity to outrun it and flee if given a small lead.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Fighter Pilots
  • Army Troopers
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: Lancer-class Frigate
Designer/Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards
Combat Role: Light Frigate
Crew: 810 + 40 Gunners
Length: 250 Meters
Speed: 40 MGLT
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 576 SBD
Hull Rating: 176 RU
Weapons: 20 Corellian AG-2G Quad Laser Cannons.
Fighter Complement: None.
Troops: 40 Stormtroopers.
Support Craft: 2 Lambda-class Shuttles.

DP20-class Corvettes

Captain of the Sidewinder: Marth Meer
Captain of the Edacity: Dash Halror

  • Edacity
  • Excoriate
  • Thrasher
  • Harmful
  • Explicable
  • Cortex
  • Sidewinder
  • Claw
  • Fang
  • Sting
  • Spine
  • Spike
  • Thorn
  • Hammer
  • Mace
  • Spear
  • Cutter
  • Slasher
  • Basher
  • Crusher
  • Kamire
  • Exiba
  • Akacon
  • Carav
  • Icatam
  • Nacaba
  • Howona
  • Canbete
  • Hekol
  • Temde
  • Shock
  • Sycorax

Cousin of the CR-90 Corvette, these small vessels pack as much firepower as a ship twice its size. The Corellian Gunship was designed to be two things, fast and deadly. Engines fill more than half of its interior structure while the external hull mounts a large number of turbolaser batteries, and quad laser cannons with 360 degree fire arcs in concert with its incredible speed and manuverablity makes it an ideal anti-starfighter platform.

Member Availability:

  • Dark Jedi
  • ISIS Agents
  • Naval Officers


Name/Type: DP20-class Corvette
Designer/Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Combat Role: Corvette
Crew: 45 + 46 Gunners
Length: 120 Meters.
Speed: 70 MGLT, 1000 Kph
Hyperdrive: x2
Shield Rating: 416 SBD
Hull Rating: 176 RU
Weapons: 8 Dual Turbolaser batteries, 6 Quad Laser Batteries, and 4 Concussion Missile Tubes.
Fighter Complement: None.
Troops: None.
Support Craft: None.

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