Music For Your Listening Pleasure

Decided to put this as a download music page. I'll put a few different selections up for you to download. Requests are still available if you're looking for a specific song. I won't be e-mailing you the song or anything. You'll just have to find it here.
Anime Song File
Azumanga Daioh the Anime Raspberry Heaven by Oranges and Lemons

Click here to get the music!

Wolf's Rain Gravity by Maaya Sakamoto Click here to get the music!
Inuyasha Season 6 Ending Song Come by ED7 Click here to get the music!

Is there a song that you like, but is no longer up? Well, request it and I'll put it up once again for you to listen to!

Is there a song you'd like to hear, but haven't been able to anywhere else? Well, request it! Chances are I may have it and I might put it under the request section at the bottom of the page!.

Top Music Requests

*crickets chirp* No requests have been made. Hurry and e-mail me your requests today!

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