Destroying the Knowledge of Existance - Prt 2
The Rise of the Pharaohs
    For as long as recorded time, there seems to be a concept of monetary wealth.  Money itself has an imaginary value.  It is nothing more than metal or paper yet the mind sees something more.  There has always been an effort to judge one person as being more valuable than the other.

     There can be no gain with a loss occuring somewhere else.  If two people held one dollar, in order for one to become rich it is necessary to take the dollar from the other.  Now the other is subservient to the one that holds both dollars.  In order to survive, this person claims the wealth of others, offering it to the master in hopes of retaining a portion to exist in return.  For every elite there are countless poor.  It is impossible for all to be master in a monetary society.

     The death of Capitalism may have begun when the corporate trend began to merge, down size and preach fiscal responsibility in the 80's, while they also encouraged irresponsible spending from the citizens that were being squeezed of their income.  Major retailers squeezed out their competition allowing the citizens to further recklessly spend their income on superficial materialism at a lower price.  If people could commit to not purchasing the unnecessary and direct their incomes to independent markets, financial balance would divert from the elite back to the community.  One strategy of Capitalism may be a war on instincts.  When you train the masses to act and react as taught, the masses become reliant on your generosity and charity.  The machine build by the blood of the masses to enrich the elite sucks dry thousands of years of evolutionary knowledge and leaves them at the mercy of the elite.  Furthermore the elite turn on each other and absorb the weaker within their league of society.

     If someone gets laid off their job then there is less money being spent because of that individual not earning money.  The businesses will earn less money because of the people who can no longer spend money and they in turn will raise their prices in order to be able to afford the employees that they still have or lay off more employees again.  But of course the suppliers of the business have laid off and raised their prices as well causing the business to lay off again.

     Everytime you get a raise, the money lost to the company has to be replaced from somewhere, so the company raises its prices to cover the cost of your raise or it lays someone off.  Now, for your one raise, you have the same situation happening in all other companies as well, so for your 50 cents or dollar an hour raise, you will find a thousand products that have gone up in price to compensate for their salaries.  Middle class slowly slips into the lower class regardless of the fact that they are earning more money than they were before, because you can't buy what you could before.  The rich become richer while everyone else gets poorer in the illusion of being richer.

      Economics relies on people being unhappy and discontent, otherwise there will be no purchases.  How much would you buy if you were happy with what you have?  Do you need a new car or VCR?  If you don't buy them because you don't need them, then the people working there will lose their jobs.  So the objective is to keep people as miserable as possible, hoping that they will buy junk to keep the economy going strong except for the fact that the workers need raises to afford the merchandise that they don't really need.  This gets back to the cycles of lay offs and pay raises that leave you poorer.  They resort to credit cards and their lives begin to crumble from their inability to find contentment.  . 

     You don't crack down on crime, you re-evaluate why the crime occurs, but then you have to face the fact of who is the biggest criminal.  The politician would not do this because they themselves fuel the cause of the crimes!  The government is in place to assist the corporations; the government is a business.  We have all been drafted into this slavery.  Who is accountable for this?  Everywhere I look I see constrained minds.  They don't realize their actions are not free.  The truth is hidden; the truth will free the mind.  "The truth shall set you free!"  This is why an effort is made to maintain their 'version' of the truth.  It is beyond faith as there is no alternative.

     There is business everywhere and nowhere that you can park for free.  When I went to the beach there was nowhere free to park as well.  Every piece of land is accounted for and priced accordingly.  Any free enjoyment has been removed and replaced with enjoyment at a price.  Commercials are everywhere and billboards cover everything.  You must work with little reward and then receive a taxed paycheck.  You also get charged to take what little wealth you have out of the bank.  Pay taxes when you spend it.  All the while we are purchasing things that are mostly useless and unnecessary.

     The elite are responsible for destroying the knowledge of existance.  They need to have their slaves dependent on them.  They push the intended slaves away from the knowledge that allows self-sufficiency and replace it with superficial pleasures that have nothing to do with existing.  Once they control knowledge, they slowly squeeze freedoms away and the less fortunate unknowingly become slaves.  They devalue the wealth of the slaves in stages, making it harder for them to remain in a middleclass.  This forces the slaves to pour their wealth into the super rich franchises squeezing out the independent workers.  Soon there is only the elite and the poor.  At this stage the elite will work to break the will of the slaves and reveal to them that they now have masters.   Frighteningly, their symbol almost shouts of the awakening of the power of ancient Egypt.  Maybe Bush's plan isn't total domination over the oil industry, but to reinstate the era of the pharaohs.

     If you just quit your job and formed a community of people to share skills outside of the monetary system, you would find yourself fined or jailed.  Is it best to be poor and suffer rather than to exist outside of the monetary system?  If we are free, the choice would be availabe to us but it is not.  What if in the US, those 30,000 people who quit looking for jobs defied the norm and pooled their knowledge?  They could create their own functioning society.  In fact who wouldn't drop their jobs in favour of a mutually beneficial society?  What we all want is some sort of freedom. Gone is the day of honest working for survival. Gone is the satisfaction of reaping the benefits of your labours, and knowing what it was that you actually achieved.  The jobs are pointless.  What is money for other than a tool to dominate the less fortunate?
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