August 25, 1998

Two words sweeties: Over Board Sweeties, O-Ver-Board!

That’s the best way to describe the sweet success of the newly formed Five Fags Catering. And what a catering job it was. For those of you not there early enough you didn’t see the troupe arrive with bag, after bag of groceries in hand and the five of them parading into the kitchen (all of them looking fabulous of course)!.

With the exception of us not staying out rollerblading long enough everything went off without the proverbial "hitch".

Rollerblading was a little wet last evening so we had to choose our path correctly (if not confusingly) on the move. Poor John tried to explain to me where he was going to take us and I’m sure by the third time around he could tell by that bewildered look in my eye that I didn’t have a clue in hell what he was talking about. Finally he just acted like a straight boy and took the lead while everyone followed (deep down we all like to have a man in charge though don’t we sweeties? *grin*)

Down the canal and across the Pretoria bridge to the east side of the canal and down to Ottawa U where some of us broke off to wait for Princess and Archie while others broke off because they woosed out. But we won’t mention any names (but their initials are Dan Charlton and Derek Vollrath)! *grin* Those who waited for royalty were sadly disappointed to discover that she had no intention of blessing us with her presence for the activity part of the evening. I guess someone feels secure with their waistline and doesn’t feel it necessary to do any cardio! *grin*

Professor Pratt had his skills put to the test on the campus of Ottawa U when a returning student was asking where the housing office was on campus. Unfortunately for Barry it was the third generation of 3 women sitting in their minivan. Oh well, at least he gets points for being the most helpful fag on the block as everyone scooted away saying "it’s not my problem, deal with it!" *grin* So does Barry get Kudos for his assistance? Oh no, that wouldn’t be right. Someone had to make a comment about the Professor’s attendance at Ottawa U (I think it was referring to the year that the University opened)!

Through along lovely Laurier Avenue, down to Range Road and then back up saucy Somerset for what was a fabulous tour of the Chatelaine’s neighbourhood of Sandy Hill, through Ottawa U and down the canal the way we came. With one exception of course – WAS I THE ONLY ONE THAT SAW THAT CUTE MAN WALKING WITH THAT OLD WOMAN?!??!! *grin*

Safely we arrived back to find the fags of First Avenue had assembled and the conversation had begun. This is where we found Princess Stephie and one of her consorts (sugar daddies) chatting with the lovely Jazz of Figure 8 Skate shop where you can get all your rollerblading and hockey needs fulfilled and where many of us have! (I wasn’t paid for that last line, I just figured that Jazz was worth it!) *grin*

When one walked into the kitchen, one couldn’t help but think that someone was at a regular Sean T. potluck (see Lesbian under "dinner party" in your dictionaries *grin*). The food was plentiful (too much sweeties). I don’t think anyone left not feeling a little bloated from eating so much. There were two different types of salad, a tasty tomato, and a gorgeous garden; terrific tzatziki (sp?) dip with the most cunningly placed pita snippets for your dipping pleasure.

Drinks were laced (or non-laced) with fruit punch to complement the fabulous ice-cubes (frozen fruit pieces – okay, I know you guys got that from Martha because there’s no way you would have thought of that on your own!) *grin*

The main course (charming chicken and beautiful beef brochettes - or kabobs for those of you not in the know) was definitely what put these girls over the top. Lord only knows how long those 5 were up the night before preparing, but I'm sure that it was late and as we all know it was definitely worth the effort.

And what would this recap be without an honourable mention to Kerry! That poor dear looked fabulous with his digit dangling in the wind as we whisked along the canal. But we didn't hear any moaning from her about her falling phalange (apparently all that moaning was done this weekend at someone's cottage - you remember, the cottage that none of us were invited too! But don't worry sweeties, aparently something's in the works for September 27, 1998. Keep your calendars open!!

Speaking of calendars and "inking" in events, let's not forget about glamorous Greg "I can park my Mercedes anywhere I want" Marsh who's hosting the last Tuesday rollerblade of the season at his home off of Parkdale. More exact directions to follow in a later e-mail, but keep your evening free sweeties, as this girl won't take no for an answer!

It was wonderful seeing all of you last night. While not everyone can make it every week, it's always nice to have new or familiar faces to share our time with. It was nice to see Mitchell again as we haven't seen him since the Chatelaine of Charlotte's party in early August. Also, we welcomed a new blader to the ranks this week with none other than Mr. Derek "I'm a Raving Homosexual" Vollrath. Good news is Mr. Vollrath didn't fall, bad news is … well, we have no reason to pick on him, well at least I don't. I could say something about the haircut but I think it would come back to haunt me! *grin*

So, good times, good friends, good food (my gawd, this is sounding like a beer commercial) and the result is a wonderful memory. You have made it all worthwhile for me people.

Big cyber-kisses until the real thing,
Sean T.

PS Don't forget about the Ottawa Gay Hockey Association's (OGHA) registration night/fundraiser/mixer at the Lookout tomorrow night (anytime after 8 p.m.) Hope to see you there. Also, if you're not playing hockey this year Mr. Charlton mentioned starting a cheerleading squad so I will find out more details from him and get back to you.


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