Much thanks to Dean Ross and Simon Cridland for having the forethoughtto take these wonderful photos of our rafting expedition.
Well here's the picture I got when I first arrived that fateful Thursday evening. Eric, John, Michael and Danl lushing it up down at the beach waiting for some straightboy to take pity on them! Fortunately for the straight boys these girls had to go to bed becasue they had an early rafting trip the next morning.
That's me with my arm aroundthat "stallion of a man" Greg and our two great friends John and Michael looking fabulous intheir evening camp(y) wear!
I should have known there wasgoing to be trouble when I arrived to find this lot altogether. Simon, Dean, Dr. Bob, Gary and myselfalways ready to ham it up for the camera.
Larry, Gary, myself and Greg putting everyone to shamewith our version of These Boots Are Made For Walkin' (the Nancy version of course!)
Well here's the lovely Simon of Five Fags Catering with everyone's good friend Dean "The Queen" both looking fabulous in front of their "temporary" home.
Too many girls to name in this shot,but suffice it to say that everyone's getting a little anxious to get onthe water (not to mention getting the "codpiece" strap done up on their lifejackets!(I think it was a bit early to have them done up but the guides where overheardsaying that this was the first group of guys that they had that didn't complain about that strap! *grin*
Here's future Mr. Leather (Dean) with the reigning MR. OTTAWA LEATHER (Tommy!) his two friends fromBuffalo and Tom's better half, that wonderful, patient husband of his, the glamorous Taber!
Well the trip is over and we got settled in on thepontoon boat for a wonderfully relaxing ride back to basecamp at OWL Rafting. Here we see some ravishing rafters gorging themselves on the first rate feast aboard our pontoon boat. Starting at the top is the fabulous Todd from Boston who joined us for the day, followed by the talentedMarc of Ottawa with the "Father of the Year" Lee and our favourite "buff boy" Dean!
What a great photo of these two. Simon and Rob relaxing aftertheir river ride with some of the fabulous food being offered on the pontoon boat.
Well, it wouldn't be polite if we wentfor a ride and then didn't help to put the toys away, so here's the gang lending a hand and taking the rafts off the beach and back to their parking spot.

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