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Continued from Page 2
    The NICU became overcrowded with premature babies so they moved Tiffany and a baby boy to a room on their pediatrics floor.  We weren't happy about this but the answer to, "Why Lord?" wasn't long in coming.  Shortly after, the devil and RVS (respiratory virus syndrome) broke out in the NICU.  Hospital tried desperately to isolate the cases of it to prevent its spread.  We heard that in spite of all their precautions every baby in NICU had came down with RVS and they had lost some very precious babies due to it.

     "...all things do work together for good to those that love God..."  Our Lord knew what was coming to NICU and we didn't.  He caused Tiffany to be moved to safety before the devil and RVS tore through the NICU.  Thank You, Jesus!

     Tiffany finally got released from the pediatrics floor and from the hospital late on Saturday, July 14th.  She weighed 3 lbs. 13 oz.  She was still 3 oz. shy of the 4 lbs. but we were glad she was released, nonetheless.

     Tiffany had reflux and they said she'd have it the rest of her life.  Reflux caused her to spit up a lot from having a faulty or weak valve going into her stomach.  They gave us a perscription for Reglan and this was the only medication she came home on.  She had to come home on a monitor though.

     Tiffany's alarms on monitor went off more times than I could keep track of.  Tammy and I slept in shifts so one of us would be awake to quickly bring Tiffany out of an alarm.  An alarm would wake the whole house though.  When the alarm went off there were five of us adults tromping over each other to get to Tiffany as quickly as we could.  (Tiffany's mom, dad, pap paw, grandma, and Uncle Tim.)  It seemed every muscle and nerve in our bodies was always tense even when we tried to sleep.

     One evening Tiffany was having more alarms than usual and it was becoming harder and harder to bring her out of them.  We called our preacher, Rev. Roger Parsons, and three other people from church and a couple of my cousins who live nearby.  They all came...Roger, Mary, Charlie, Betty, Michael and Maxine.  That night they also experienced the terror of Tiffany's alarms going off.  Everyone formed a circle around Tiffany and laid hands on her, praying for her, as Roger held her anointing her with oil.  The alarms ceased immediately.  The Presence of the Holy Ghost was overwhelming and like electricity which we all felt surging through the room.  There was another Person in the room more real than any of us but He couldn't be seen but felt.

     Not to be weak in faith but we called an ambulance and had Tiffany taken to ER and admitted as a precaution but she had no more alarms that night.

     The first year of Tiffany's life was full of ups and downs for all of us.  It was a year full of trips back to High Risk Clinic in Charleston, doctor appointments, ER trips, immunizations, and physical therapy through Early Intervention.  It was difficult for any of us to catch our breath that year. 

     Tiffany was healed of her reflux which they said she would have the rest of her life.  She was also healed of her apnea and low heart rates and was taken off the monitor in November, before Thanksgiving that year.  We had so much to thank God for that year!

     We want to thank everyone that prayed for Tiffany  Many prayers went up for her from a lot of different churches.  I know prayers went up from Seattle, Washington to Titusville, Florida.  A lot of people we've never met, and probably never will meet this side of heaven, prayeed for her.  Sooner or later we are going to meet them.  We want to thank everyone for their prayers but most of all we want to thank Jesus Who answers prayers.

      Tiffany is now a lively, healthy, normal 6 years old who will be quick to tell anyone who will listen, "Jesus healed me of everything!"  On September 9th, 2002, at the tender age 6, she wanted to go to the altar and ask Jesus to come into her heart and she did.  Pastor Quentin Smith led her in the sinner's prayer and she fully and publicly gave her beautiful heart and soul to Jesus. 

     There are three pastors in Tiffany's life thus far that has played very big roles in her life and I wish to recognize each of them in appreciation...Rev. Roger Parsons, Pastor Junior Moody and Pastor Quentin Smith.  I also want to recognize in appreciation her three Sunday School teachers, Sister Valerie Harper, Sister Ilene Williams and Sister Juanita Scott.

     Psalm 103:2 expresses it quite well for me, "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits."

     Our precious, heavenly Father sometimes allows us to go through some things so we may help others go through them.  The key words are "go through" and you are going to go through, dear friend, because you're not staying in the fiery trial for one second longer than is necessary to purify you and draw you closer to Father.  He's God and He knows exactly what He's doing and He does it right too.  He loves you with a love bigger than you can imagine and He's closer to you than your next breathe.  If this new support group can help you in any way in the natural or spiritual realm, please contact us.  We pray continually for all the premature babies and their families because we have been there and we understand what you are going through.  If you would like to join this ministry as a volunteer in the army of our Lord Jesus Christ, please contact us.  It's not about any particular church and it's not about us but it's about Jesus and loving one another for His glory and honor.


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