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Online Contact Form

email address?

site address?
site name?

which award do you want?

Rules for submitting your site for an award:
All Fields required. In the "Which one" field, type which character you want on your award.
2. When I finish reviewing your page, I will send you the award you desire.
(To see your choices, look below. You may also request a character.)
3. Preferably related to Lord of the Rings or the actors in the movie, but I will accept ones that aren't.
4. Only one submission per website. You will get an award, as long as there is no offensive content on your site.
You MUST sign my guestbook. It's the only way I'll get anyone to sign the damned thing!
(When you recieve an award in email, it will not have "SAMPLE" across it, and it will be bigger.)
If for some reason the QUICKMAILER isn't working, email me your request.
Under the awards is a list of sites that have won my award! Check 'em out!
I updated the look of these awards,  so you'll get a fancier one. Also, if you already have an award and want the new one, just re-apply and say that you already have one.
           Gandalf                                           Boromir                                Aragorn
      Legolas                                          Gimli                                           Frodo
      Sam                                             Pippin                                          Merry
Sites that have won my award
Devoted to the Ring -Legolas Award
The White Mountains -Pippin Award
Hobbit Dreams -Frodo Award
LOVE the HAIR! -Aragorn Award
Elven Country -Legolas Award
Elenia -Frodo Award
Simply Orlando -Legolas Award
Flick's LOTR Site -Legolas Award
Curucuar -Legolas Award
Elven Tears -Galadriel Award (available upon request)
Curved -Faramir Award (available upon request)
Legolas' Lair -Legolas Award
M�r�o Imladris -Arwen Award (available upon request)
The Magic of One - Legolas and Draco -Legolas Award
Sauron's Domain -Aragorn Award
Arthedian, An Elven Fanlisting -Arwen Award
Tylergirl's Home Page -Aragorn Award
.:Elven Dreams:. -Legolas Award
Ramnarayan's Aeromaniac's Page -Aragorn Award
The Realm of the Elves -Legolas Award
Yet Hope Remains -Sam Award
Curlylocks -Pippin Award
Gakka's Isketch and LOTR World -Legolas Award
Different Dolls -Legolas Award
Home of the Elves -Legolas Award
Lingering Dreams -Legolas Award
Narn en' i' Kaimelar -Arwen Award
�o -Legolas Award
the Stewards of Gondor -Pippin Award
The Popular Nazg�l -Aragorn Award
Jaxene's Lord of the Rings Website -Sam Award
Together Mortal -Arwen Award
Hobbitses and Elfies -Sam Award
Dom Dot Com -Merry Award
Writing On the Wall -Legolas Award
The Shire: Home of the Little Folk -Pippin Award
Golden Woods of Lothlorien -Legolas Award
Daisy's Hobbit Hole -Frodo Award
Mithnil's Home -Legolas Award
Large Picture Halls I Bet... -Gimli Award
Elves and Angels -Arwen Award
LOTR Domain -Frodo Award
Orlando Bloom Dot Net -Legolas Award
Eye Candy -Sam Award
The Fires of Doom -Gimli Award
Burnt Lembas -Legolas Award
Ringwraith Power -Pippin Award
A Stay In Lothlorien -Galadriel Award
Merenven's LotR Site -Legolas Award
Forests of Mirkwood -Frodo Award
Alqualond� -Sam Award
Firith Galad -Legolas Award
Lord of the Rings,A Fansite -Galadriel Award
Elven Women of Power -Galadriel Award
Bloomilicious -Legolas Award
One Ring to Rule -Legolas Award
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