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Aliases: The White Hand, Saruman the White, Curunir, Curumo, Sharkey, Sarman of many colors.
Date of Birth: ?
Race: Maia
Height: rather tall, around 6 feet
Date of Death: 3019 T.A.
Alignment: Evil
Parents: None
Spouse: None
Date of Marriage: N/A
Children: N/A

Physical description: White hair, rather like to Gandalf in appearance. Black hair near temples, and corners of mouth.

Biography: Saruman came to Middle Earth as the Chief of the Istari, and was the head of the White Council. But for many years, Saruman concealed his secret desires for power and glory. He desired to have the One Ring, and spent many years building armies, in preparation for war. Saruman despised Gandalf, for I believe he knew who was the more powerful, and he knew he could never sway Gandalf to aid him in his evil plots. Saruman was greatly learned in the lore of the rings, and Sauron's history. He knew that Gandalf knew where the ring lay hidden, and it frustrated him that he could not get the information out of him. Saruman's chief power was his voice, to a unaware listener, it sounded sweeter than elvish singing, and he could persuade nearly anyone to do his bidding. In 2953, Saruman took the tower of Orthanc for his fortress, here he began to build his evil armies, and it was his own forces which did damage to Fangorn Forest, and caused his downfall. About 3000 TA, Saruman used the palantir of Orthanc, and was trapped by Sauron, after which, though he thought himself to be free, he was controlled by the Dark Tower. In the year 3010, he sent his servant, Grima, to Theoden. Grima managed to wither Theoden into an early dotage, until he was revived by Gandalf in 3019. Saruman brought about his own destruction by not minding what his armies did to the Fangorn Forest, and forgetting about the Ents. During the War of the Ring, the Ents took revenge upon Isengard, and held Saruman captive in his own fortress, until the king was recrowned, then Treebeard, thinking Saruman was now harmless, allowed him to surrender the keys of Orthanc and flee. Saruman had long had secret dealings in the Shire, and headed there almost immediately, and set to work his last evil plot. Frodo, Sam, Pippin, and Merry deeply regretted tarrying on the way home once they got there. They found walls, and machines, and gates, and rules. All things that were never found in the Shire when they departed. They soon got roused the spirits of the unhappy hobbits, and caused quite an uprising, and caused all the ruffians to flee. Without his henchmen, Saruman didn't have a leg to stand on, and was ready to depart the Shire; but not without one last strike. Saruman attempted to stab Frodo with a concealed dagger, which just glanced off Frodo's armor. Frodo was still willing to let him leave unharmed, but Saruman's poor, long tortured servant, Grima, had different ideas. Grima sprang on Saruman and sliced his throat, and was struck dead by the surrounding hobbit archers. Saruman's spirit rose from his body like smoke from a fire, looked toward the West, wavered, and dissapeared with the wind.

In the film, Saruman is played by
Christopher Lee.
from The One Ring
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