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Lord of the Rings-Related Quizzes
Kick Ass Arwen
You are the Arwen that steals Glorfindel's horse, finds Aragorn and the hobbits, and saves Frodo from great evil. You're tough and not scared one bit of those sissy nazgul!! (BRING THEM ON!!) You are also the coolest Arwen...even though you aren't the real thing.

You have one hope in this world, and that is to have eternal peace in Middle Earth. You are currently working on making friends with Orcs, although it's the hardest challenge you've come across, your positive attitude won't let you give up on your dream of world peace.
What amusing cast moment from FotR: The Extended Edition DVD are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Congratulations, you're the inane game Billy and Dom made up on Weathertop!
What Orlando Bloom are You?

brought to you by Quizilla You're Drunk!Merry
Which Merry (LOTR) are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Billy
Which LOTR Actor Is Your Ideal Husband?

brought to you by Quizilla Your ideal husband is Billy Boyd! I hereby label you a lover of boyish Scots and one of those girls who swoons in front of smiley musicians Dom Monaghan
Dominic Monaghan

Which Male Are You Destined To End Up With?
brought to you by Quizilla You're Elijah!
You are ELIJAH WOOD. You're strange and quirky and
like to make little one-liners. You also make
everyone lean forward in their seats and hope
to God that you're as cute and innocent as you

Which FotR:EE Cast Commentator Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Which LotR Male are You Compatible with Sexually?

brought to you by Quizilla

Take the "Which Lord of the Valar are you?" Quiz @ Elvenhome

The Extremely Silly Which Stereotypical Member of the Fellowship Are You Quiz

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Which LotR cast member do you sound like? The stereotypical, pointless, probably inacurate version

brought to you by Quizilla io
Which Middle Earth flower are you?

brought to you by Quizilla yq
TTT- Which Ent are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Your Quickbeam: The hastiest of Ents. Also one of the youngest of Ents, you are known as Bregalad in Elvish. Friendly, hasty and eagar to battle, you belongs to the people of skinbark and your name was given because of your uncharactaristic hastiness. the rowan trees in your keeping suff- ered greatly at the hands of Saruman's orcs, and you also played a great part in the ent's assault on Isenguard.

So which LOTR woman are you? Hmm??

made by Michelle at EmptySpace.

So which hobbit are you? Hmm??

made by Michelle at EmptySpace.

So which LOTR Villain are you? Hmm??

made by Michelle at EmptySpace.

So which LOTR Man are you? Hmm??

made by Michelle at EmptySpace.

So which elf are you? Hmm??

made by Michelle at EmptySpace.
Which side of Billy Boyd do YOU dream of?

brought to you by Quizilla Pip and Merry
Pip or Merry- cute, sweet, caring...the only
downside would be the large, hairy feet and the
height difference

Which LOTR Character Will You Marry?
brought to you by Quizilla
Your Legolas's brave and noble side! Almost like a
jedi! You really don't like battle, but if it's
nessisary you will fight!

What aspect of Legolas Greenleaf are you?
brought to you by Quizilla sexy!
you are the sexiness in legolas!!! you lucky one!!!
it looks like your fan following isn't too bad!

what is your inner legolas?
brought to you by Quizilla good
You are Serious Legolas You are serious about things. Humorous things don't
amuse you right now.

Which Legolas are you?
brought to you by Quizilla You're a Literary Lass!
You're a Literary Lass! You love the book Legolas
first and foremost, and re-read the trilogy
regularly to enhance your understanding of his
characterisation. You resent PJ for cutting out
Legolas' big Council of Elrond spiel, and if
Galadriel's message isn't in TTT, you're
considering boycotting.

What kind of Legolass are you?
brought to you by Quizilla Dominic
You're Dom!

Which Hobbit Actor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla I ride Shadowfax
I ride Shadowfax! I NEED TO GET THERE NOW! Hygiene
is important to me. But then, Shadowfax only
let Gandalf ride him. Does that mean I'm
walking? Oh, crumbs.

Dude! Where's my steed?? Who are you riding around Middle Earth?
brought to you by Quizilla soulmate
He'll sing you to sleep ever night under the moon
and stars, with his arms wrapped tightly around
you to keep you safe and warm. He'll love you
til the end of time and beyond, as you do him.
Your soul and his soul are entwined for
eternity, that is, if you had an eternity.
Eternity doesn't apply to you. As time catches
up with you, he'll watch you wilt, like a
flower under the sun too long. He'll still love
you with all his heart, but sadness will fill
his days as he watches you fade away?Your love
will be evergreen, but you will pass on, like
the rest of us, leaving him heart broken and
utterly alone in this world. He will spend the
rest of eternity living on the memories of you.
Even the wind will echo with your laughter.

How will you break Legolas's heart?
brought to you by Quizilla You like sweet!Dom. The one who rings his mum and hangs out with his best mates and hugs teddies! You know he's just a big softie underneath.
You like sweet!Dom. The one who rings his mum and
hangs out with his best mates and hugs teddies!
You know he's just a big softie underneath.

Which side of Dominic Monaghan do you dream of?
brought to you by Quizilla i know it is old frog food
You take things as they come and you're not a
complainer, which is a good thing only if
you're a big eater of stale flies.

What Lord of the Rings engrish subtitle are you?
brought to you by Quizilla faramir
Congratulations! You're Faramir!

Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Which Female LotR Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla glorfindel
Which oft-overlooked LotR character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Congratulations! You don't even exist in movieverse! The Powers That Be decided to scrap you in favor of some stupid girl -- or maybe you just look hot in drag. Either way, this could be a blessing in disguise -- at least your coolness in bookverse remains untarnished. True Tolkien fans know you kick ass, so who cares what the general public thinks? WOW%2C%20great!!%20Congratulations!%20You%20did%20answer%20all%20or%20almost%20all%20questions%20correctly.%20You're%20a%20real%20fan%20and%20should%20send%20me%20an%20e-mail%2C%20I'm%20as%20crazy%20as%20you%20are%20%3A)%20And%20for%20this%20heavy%20task%
A Little Lord of the Rings has many numbers Quiz :)

brought to you by Quizilla
And What Movie Villain are You?

brought to you by Quizilla yl
LOTR - Which Helm's deep Soldier are you?

brought to you by Quizilla gt
Which hobbit-lass are you?

brought to you by Quizilla You are the Clever and Sensible hobbit lass of Long Cleeve, the best in the shire at playin' yo' violin. "She was born 1395 in Long Cleeve of the four farthings. She married Pippin Took at the age of 32 and he 37, and bore him a son: FarimirI of the shire." e
Which 'Lord of the Rings' Noblewoman are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Congratulations, You are Eowyn. You are a spunky gal Who likes to get in there with da boyz. A feminist to boot, but underneath it all you are a caring softie at heart who cares a lot for yer family. Or something like that. ll
Whos companion are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Congratulations! Your companion is Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood. It seems you hang out with a fairly noble crowd these days. ;) l
Which Middle Earth City do you Rule?

brought to you by Quizilla You rule over Lothlorien, the land of the mysterious elves. You are subtley dominant andlike it tranquil, and would do anything to hold onto the things you've got. woohoo. Merry
Who's your hobbit mate?

brought to you by Quizilla rolling%20about!
what Lord of the rings man gets you hot?

brought to you by Quizilla
Which Hobbit are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Comedic%20Relief
Which Fellowship Hobbit fits your personality best???

brought to you by Quizilla You're a Fool of a Took, Pippin Brandybuck! Though at times you seem a klutz, you actaully know more than others think. You are loyal to your friends, but tend to get in trouble! MERRY!!!!
Which movie hobbit are you????

brought to you by Quizilla Merry!!! You are a bit of a leader, and overly-suspicious in the movie, stealing some of Sam's glory...yet you'll shine through when it comes to Nazgul hunting! I don't hate any of 'em, but I thought the description was funny. Gimli
Which member of the Fellowship (LotR)'s Ass would you like to kick?

brought to you by Quizilla GIMLI_ So, Dwarves aren't your thing? You don't go for guys who'reabout 5ft and have so much facial hair you could be forgiven for thinking they were a baby yeti. Anyhow, you'd stillhave to get past that axe... you think you're up to it? Aragorn
Which LOTR Boi Would You Marry?

brought to you by Quizilla Aragorn! You like your men scruff and wild looking. Dig that sexy goatee. Mm. I wanted Faramir, not another Legsie! i'mgivingthisareallyweirdnamesopeoplecan'tcheat
Which LotR guy Rox your Sox?

brought to you by Quizilla I wanted Faramir... Eowyn
What LOTR frock woud you sport?

brought to you by Quizilla Eowyn - you're sparky and headstrong, sometimes irritatingly so. But hey, you get the guy you need in the end. Frodosnipple
Which Hobbit Body Part are You?

brought to you by Quizilla Pippin%20the%20silly%20one%20gets%20into%20trouble%20but%20can%20find%20ways%20out.
Wich LOTR guy is your ideal boyfriend

brought to you by Quizilla Pippin
Which LoTR Sidekick Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla You're Pippin. Young and wild, you'll go for anything once, so long as you don't miss a meal. Merry
Which LoTR Duo Leader Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla Merry. You've found yourself a spry lad to help you manage the getaway after a prank. He's getting pretty good at pranks though, so you have to watch him around Mr. Frodo and Sam, lest Sam kill him. Legolas
What kind of Elf are u? (LotR, HP, TP)

brought to you by Quizilla Lord of the Rings... tall, blonde, sexy, smart and DEFINITELY good! You are an elf from Lord of the Rings...Like Legolas you are always ready to protect Middle Earth with your amazing skill with a bow and arrow... GO YOU! elf
Which LoTR Creature Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla You're an Elf. Pretty, tricky, and supposedly smart, you're also immortal unless you waste away or something.Ha on you. CMyDocumentstheArtsAlldomandsean.jpg
Do You Deserve To Be In The LOTR Fellowship?

brought to you by Quizilla No two ways about it, your obsessed! just about as obsessed as anyone could be! Hey, you may just be able to obsess over LOTR! Dont let it go to your head tho...look what happened to me! Complete%20LOTR%20Freak!
How much doth thou know about LOTR?

brought to you by Quizilla Elvish
How obcessed with LOTR Slash are you?

brought to you by Quizilla You are a Tolkein Freak. You didn't see the movie because you thought it would ruin the movie. The lotr movie comunity hates you and you hate them.It's an even match but I will bet that your only friends are Tolkein Geeks too. Broaden your horzines and see the movie
I *did* see the movie, and I loved it, thank you very much. I hope LOTR movie fans don't really hate me; I love them! Ah%2C%20Moody%20Aragorn.
What Lord of the Rings Male and Mood Do You Desire?

brought to you by Quizilla I%20like%20'em%20short%20and%20funny%20-%20Pippin%20is%20my%20man!
Which LotR guy is your soulmate?

brought to you by Quizilla You%20are%20Gollum!
Lord of the Rings: Which Ringbearer are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Pippin!
Which Lord of the Rings Character do you fancy?

brought to you by Quizilla Legolas
What Lord Of the Rings Character Are You? (Not Done)

brought to you by Quizilla

you are...

"Ulmo is the Lord of Waters. He is alone. He dwells nowhere long, but moves as he will in all the deep waters about Earth or under the Earth. He is next in might to Manwe, and before Valinor was made he was closest to him in friendship; but thereafter he went seldom to the coucils of the Valar, unless great matters were in debate. For he kept all Arda in thought, and he has no need of any resting place.
Moreover he does not love to walk upon land, and will seldom clothe himself in a body after the manner of his peers. If the Children of Eru beheld him they were filled with a great dread; for the arising of the King of the Sea was terrible."

Which Valar are You? Quiz by maikamariel

Which LOTR Character are you?
Quiz by blantoncirith

If I lived in Middle-Earth, it would be in:
Lothlorien or Rivendell

You prefer the tranquilty and peacefulness of nature and enjoy the milder seasons of the year. While you know it is necessary to keep in contact with other living beings, most of the time you enjoy the seclusion of an aesthetically pleasing, woodland environment.

I'm not arrogant... :(

I'm Legolas! Who are you?
by eikocarolchan

who's your male wench?
this quiz by belle

Which VSD fellowship member are you?
this quiz was made by belle

which Fellowship member are you?
this quiz was made by Elanor

I'm Legolas!

The very essence of Strong and Silent, they wonder if I can really act at all. (I can't) Still, I have teeangers worldwide falling over themselves, and I sure know my bow from my arrow, so I gotta have something going for me!

Click here to find out which character you are!

What type of LotR fan are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Arwen%20saving%20Frodo
Which Lord of the Rings:FOTR scene should you be in?

brought to you by Quizilla
Which Lord of the Rings Character's Eyes do you have?

brought to you by Quizilla your%20ideal%20mate%20is%20Frodo!
Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate?

brought to you by Quizilla

What Weapon Are You?
I'm big and long

How obsessed are you?
By Lisa

Take the "Which Member of the Fellowship Are You?" quiz!

- Which Legolas are You? -

What Orlando Bloom are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

I'm Elf!

I am an Elf, like Legolas or Arwen. I prance around in forests and am at one with nature. I also have malformed ears and people give me funny looks.

Click here to find out which species you are!

You're Doomed to be Legolas!

The book you was far more interesting and diverse a character then the film you. Too bad they've turned you into a pretty boy and cut all your lines. The consolation is all the girls love you (I can feel Tolkien turning over in his grave as we speak) and your hair is the envy of women and bald men alike!

Which member of the Fellowship are you doomed to be?

brought to you by


I'm Rivendell!

I would stay in Rivendell where I would hide away from the rest of the world and often attack visitors and relatives with mighty floods in the shape of horses, or at least computer graphics. But everyone would like me anyway (naturally) because I have good taste in decorating.

Click here to find out where you would live

I'm Orlando Bloom!

I am Orlando Bloom. I run like a pixie and everybody loves me. Although I have no part. At all. I have kicked Elijah Wood in the balls and bust MY way into Hollywood and now I have my own cult following who often chase me with droll buckets. They scare me deeply.

Click here to find out which actor you are!

Who is your Middle Earth Man?

brought to you by Quizilla -Merry- Your ideal M.E. companion would be Meriadoc Brandybuck. This fellow would stop at nothing to make sure you were safe and sound and that you were always happy. He would stick his neck out for you whenever he thought that you might be in trouble, and would think through things before doing anything brash.
Well, buddy, I think this is the first time I've ever gotten "hobbit" as a species result. Hmmm.... curious... hobbit
Which Middle Earth race are you?

brought to you by Quizilla A mortal race related to men but of unknown origin, you might be mistaken for a human child by the uninitiated. You are very practical and don't at all approve of adventures -- well, except for maybe one little side of you. You are made of sterner stuff than you appear, and your lack of ambition can be an asset when faced with the temptation of unholy power. Your main faults are occasional attacks of insatiable curiosity and frequent attacks of insatiable hunger. You have furry feet.

Which Annoying Two Towers Character are You?
By Lisa

Which Ringwraith are You?
By Lisa

Which of Lisa's Obsessions are You?
By Lisa

Taken Many Bizarre Quizzes Lately?
By Lisa

[i'm legolas!]
I am Legolas Greenleaf, Prince of Mirkwood, representative of the Elves in the Fellowship of the Ring. I contributed my archery skills, keen senses and prettiness to the Company, so don't you start. In the movie, I'm played by Orlando Bloom.
|| Which Lord of the Rings Elf are you? @ X.com ||

Pippin, or is it Merry??! The two are sort of interchangeable, don't you agree? "You fool of Took!" Gandalf is often heard saying to this young hobbit. Pippin's foolishness does indeed gets the fellowship into lots of hot water. Pippin may not be the brightest bauble in the box, but he at least he means well.

Take the "Which Hobbit are you?" quiz created by Cora Black!

Who's your celebrity match? Find out @ Mind-Blowing!!!

which elf of beleriand are you?
this quiz by belle


Pippin Took

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Pippin, Hobbit, heir of the Old Took and a friend of Frodo's.

In the movie, I am played by Billy Boyd.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

Which LOTR Character are you?
Quiz by blantoncirith
Which Lord of the Rings Character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla Legolas
Which Lord of the Rings Elf Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla Boromir.
Which Lord of the Rings Character Do You Fancy?

brought to you by Quizilla Legolas
Who are you in the Fellowship of the Ring?

brought to you by Quizilla
The Extremely Silly Which Stereotypical Member of the Fellowship Are You Quiz

brought to you by Quizilla
Which Member of the Fellowship are You Most Like??

brought to you by Quizilla
Which LotR male cast member do you sound like?

brought to you by Quizilla You%20are%20a%20Tolkien%20Fundamentalist
Tolkienology 101: What is Your Tolkien Belief System?

brought to you by Quizilla TOLKIEN FUNDAMENTALIST: Hellfire and brimstone for anyone who dares blaspheme the Holy Name of Tolkien!!! You scare the shit out of the rest of the fandom. Even the Conservatives, who share your reverence for canon and distaste for deviation from the same, back up a few steps when they encounter you. You need help. Now.
Im Addicted to Olando!

You are 80% addicted to Orlando Bloom! You would do just about anything to meet this guy, and who knows, someday you might.

HowObsessed Are You?

I fancy Men.
He's very manly, but that obsession with shiny objects is kind of a turn off.
Which culture from Middle-Earth do you fancy?
By Hannah and Dani

Which Middle Earth race are you? go to:the quiz!
You Are Innocent Mary Sue!
Ever sweet and innocent, even in the face of darkest evil, your best asset is your girlish blush. He can't resist the charm that smacks of hearth and home--and don't you look cute wearing his cloak?

What Lord of the Rings Mary Sue are You?
I kept Frodo. Who will you keep?


Merry Brandybuck

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Merry, Hobbit, heir of the Brandybucks and a friend of Frodo's.

In the movie, I am played by Dominic Monaghan.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software

I'm Merry/Pippin! What LoTR Ship Are You?


I am...

I'm Billy Boyd!

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?

Well look at you. Not much you can say

a giant, evil eyeball who very nearly took over


Advice: Don't underestimate the little furry

I'm Legolas! Who are you?
by eikocarolchan
I assure you, I am not racist.

Which LotR Character Are You?
Created by PinkPunkerz.

I realize I took the same quiz twice, but I got 2 different results, and I think they both apply to me.

Which LotR Character Are You?
Created by PinkPunkerz.

What's your FOTR slash pairing?

Pippin's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

Pippin's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

Merry's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

I am...

I'm Elijah Wood!

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?

Merry's my fancy!
What's your fancy? Click here and tell the world!

Doomed to be Arwen!

From background character to highlighted love interest, you've come
along away baby! Once only a mere ornament in the testosterone laden
world of the Fellowship you've become a central figure and important
plot twist. Too bad your fame comes at the price of the lines and deeds
of other characters.

other character of FOTR are you doomed to be?

to you by


Which EJW Character Are You?

Wich LOTR Character are you?

brought to you by Quizilla i%20love%20legolas
Who's your LOTR love match?

brought to you by Quizilla My%20Leggy%20LuLu!%20Oh%20no%20don't%20steal%20my%20Leggysan!
What LotR guy would suit you the best?

brought to you by Quizilla

You are Ithilien Sam and Frodo
Love, for you, is all about little things and real-world dedication. Leave the grand gestures and sonnets to others, to you, there is much more said in a brace of stewed coneys and a night's unsleeping watch. You like a realistic outlook on your romance, and blind innocence is just as bad as consuming darkness, though given the choice, you do like to lean a bit towards shadow.

What Sam/Frodo Moment Are You?

What Kind of Frodo Are You?

This quiz created by Trianne

I'm the book version of Frodo!

Intellectual, pioneering, subtle, and misunderstood, nothing beats a true original.

you are ringwraith #


the devious one

Which Ringwraith Are You? Quiz by maikamariel

A 100% LOTR Addict!

you think lotr, you dream lotr, you see lotr, and you even read lotr!! you probably also have your own LOTR website and heaven knows what.

How much of an LOTR addict are YOU? quiz by maikamariel


Legolas Greenleaf

If I were a character in The Lord of the Rings, I would be Legolas, Elf, a son of the King of Mirkwood.

In the movie, I am played by Orlando Bloom.

Who would you be?
Zovakware Lord of the Rings Test with Perseus Web Survey Software


You are valiant and the most hardy race of the Eldar. Finwe is your lord

Which Race are You of the Eldar? Quiz by maikamariel

What Aspect of Orlando Bloom Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla
I'm Legolas! I am Lady Legolas,
the sole Elven member of the Fellowship. I am madly in
love with Orlando Bloom and I am addicted to Cassandra
Claire's diaries. I have so many email addresses
and/or websites that my friends think I have multiple
personality disorder. I spend my days drawing,
dancing, writing, reading, or doing something else artsy.
Oh, and I hiccup. Incessantly.
I've Kidnapped and Shagged:

Damned Sexy Prince of Mirkwood
Legolas Greenleaf Love
I've Kidnapped and Shagged:

Sexy Hobbit
Legolas Greenleaf Love
I've Kidnapped and Shagged:

Sexy Hobbit
Legolas Greenleaf Love
I've Kidnapped and Shagged:

Sexy Son of Gondor
Legolas Greenleaf Love
I've Kidnapped and Shagged:

Sexy Son of Gondor
Legolas Greenleaf Love
Why Will You Go To Hell?

brought to you by Quizilla

What aspect of LOTR fandom are you?

brought to you by Quizilla
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