Beneath my feet, I hear you cry
I hear all your pain and wonder why
I hear what he does, I hear it all
If you don't get away, you'll be the one to take the fall

I wanna do something other than just sit here
But what can I do?  I just live upstairs

Don't stay downstairs
Don't come home tonight
Don't stay downstairs
Don't come home tonight

Beneath my feet, I hear him scream
I hear all your things thrown across the room
I used to think, "What is his problem?"
And it goes so much deeper than I ever knew

Me, I'd never take that, but I do pity you
What could you ever do to deserve this?

Don't stay downstairs
Don't come home tonight
Don't stay downstairs
Don't come home tonight
* The lyrics to this song are entirely written by me, but the lyrics were written to John's music, so I think it only fair to credit him for the music without which these lyrics might never be.  I think it totally fair, however, to reprint just the lyrics on this site, since they are, in fact, mine, and I deem them good enough to want to share with others even if the song will never be played by our band again.*
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