The Game

Title: The Game
Summary: J/D and General suspense, action
Author: Nicole
Rating: PG13 (Language, mostly)
Disclaimer: No money. I only wish they were mine...

Donna straightens her knee-length skirt. As much as a privilege and honor it is to be called into the Oval Office.... aw, hell. It's nerve wrecking as heck. Especially at five am on a Sunday.

"Donna?" A familiar voice makes her turn to its source.

"Josh?" She greets her boss, confused.

"Are you here to see the president?" They ask each other almost simultaneously.

They don't have enough time to further inquire about their strange situation as Charlie enters and bids them entrance.

Josh allows Donna to walk in first, and he follows his assistant, wondering all the while why the strange coincidence.

"Good morning, Mr. President," They both greet Bartlett.

"Good morning. Please, have a seat." Jed says. But there's something different in his eyes. Almost regret. Sadness, maybe, even.

"I have something to ask you both," the president begins, his voice soft. "Now, you must realize: You are under no legal obligation to do this. Your jobs are not threatened in any way. However, it is imperative that this mission be done-"

"Mission?" Donna asks without thinking.

"Yes." He sighs. "I'm about to ask if you both will participate in a highly dangerous, but very important CIA operation. It takes place in Quemar."

Josh blinks. No, sir, he wasn't expecting this. Not at all.

"The operation needs two highly visible people from the US government. That's all I can tell you before you agree to participate."

The president looks at the two individuals. Donna's eyes were as wide as saucers, fearful and excited all at the same time. Josh was more subdued. He seemed deep in thought, his brow quirked.

"I serve at the pleasure of the president," Josh said softly. He raised his gaze to meet Bartlet's. "If you need me in this thing- I'll do it."

Bartlet sighed. "I... I was hoping you would say "no.""

Josh ducked his head. "Sorry, sir."

Bartlett reached across and patted his knee. "Thank you, Josh."

"Well, somebody'll need to keep an eye on Josh. So...." Donna began, locking gazes with Bartlett. "I serve at the pleasure of the president."

With that, Josh's eyes widened in alarm. "No. Sir- Donna is... she's my assistant. She's barely visible at all. Can't we find somebody else to pose as my assistant in Quemar?"

Donna glared at her boss. "If you go, I go. Sir," She turned to Bartlett. "It'll look strange if he hires a new assistant right before the trip."

Bartlett nodded. "I'm sorry, Josh. But it's either both or neither."

Josh bites his lip and looks away. "What if I decide now not to go?"

"Then I'll ask Sam. Then Toby. Then Leo. Then..." he looked away. "Then, Abbey. Of course, there's no way in hell I'll ask Abbey. That's just the list that the CIA director, Al Guew, gave me."

Josh thought for a moment. No, he would not allow his friends to go because he was too cowardly. "We'll go."

Bartlett nodded. "Your flight leaves tonight at ten. You'll arrive at Quemar around 7 pm, our time. The others, not including Leo and Abbey- will only know that I sent you both on a dignitary trip. Routine business. I hate lying to them- but it's imperative that this stay secretive. You will both be informed on the way there- most likely while still over US soil." His voice drops. "I don't know every detail. If anything comes up that is too dangerous... or impossible... you call directly to the Oval, and I'll have that plane come back. You understand?"

"Yes, sir," Josh replies. This is the real thing. This is real.

"Donna?" Jed asks. "Do you understand?"

"Yes," she says quietly.

"Ok," Bartlett continued. "Both of your bags will be packed by Secret Service... just for precaution. You are both to stay in the residence until your plane leaves. I'm sorry... but we can't let you make phone calls or visits."

"We're under quarantine, aren't we?" Josh states more than questions.

"Highly secretive mission, Josh. All precautions are being taken."

"Yes, sir."

The two arrive at the residence a few hours later, after a quiet breakfast with the president. Abbey greets them both at one of the living rooms. "Alright... I need to give you both some shots and immunizations." Josh winces slightly.

"Donna, why don't you go to the other room?" Abbey requests.

"Sure," Donna retreats to one of the guest bedrooms that a bodyguard leads her to.

While Josh removes his dress shirt and undershirt, Abbey speaks. "Josh, I know what's going on. You need to know it'll be fine, ok? It's going to be fine."

Josh grins ruthfully. "Thank you, ma'am. But, I know it's going to be dangerous. Why else would we have to go through all these precautions?"

A knock sounds at the door.

"Yes?" Abbey asks.

"It's... Sam, ma'am. I was told Josh was here?"

"Come in, Sam," Abbey says. She pats Josh's shoulder and retreats to another room to fix the medicine and immunizations.

Sam blinks at the sight of his friend sitting awkwardly on a stool, naked from the waist up.

Josh grins at the sight of his confused colleague. "Hey, man."

"Josh, what's going on? I mean- the senior staff is called to the oval at six on a Sunday and we're told you two are going to Quemar on a.... business trip? I mean, how long are you guys going to be gone? And why is the president only allowing us to visit you in here, one at a time. What type of business is he talking about?" Josh almost thinks that the president doesn't want the staff to believe the ridiculous excuse.

Josh looks away. "I... I really can't tell you. I'm sorry."

Sam swallows and sits on one of the chairs facing his friend.

"I need to ask you some favors, though, Sam." Josh begins quietly.


"If something... happens to me... on this trip." He chooses his words carefully. "I want you to act as my mother's attorney. Help her out with money- that sort of thing. You know you have power of attorney in my family in case of... well, you know."

Sam grimaces, but says nothing.

"Also... if Donna needs anything- she gets it. No questions, right?"

"Josh, I don't understand. You *are* coming *back.*"

"Sam! I'm being cautious, ok? Please." Josh meets his friend's gaze for a moment before having to turn away, not bearing the innocence and anxiety he sees there.

"You know I'll take care of them."

"Thank you."

"Yeah," Sam murmurs, shrugging it off. "Josh?"


"There's a chance you might not come back, isn't there?"

A pause. "Yes."

"A chance you'll..." He can't say it. Won't say it.

Whispered. "Yes."

"Josh, I- man, don't go. I'll go instead. There must be other options."

"Not a chance in hell you're going in my place."

Sam sprang to his feet and began to pace back and forth in front of the other deputy. "Don't be so stubborn. You took a god damn bullet for us." Guilt surges his body. "Let me do this for you."

Josh rose, pointing to the jagged scar down his chest. "I was shot because of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. We didn't have a discussion and decide I'd be the "valiant" one. Don't you ever feel guilty for that, understand? You stay here, and hold the fort, and plan a kick-ass welcome home party for me and Donna."

"If anything happens to you-"

"It'll be fine." Josh whispers.

Another knock. This time, it's Leo. He enters without asking. Looking at Josh, he tries to smile. "Hey, Josh."

Sam blinks, knowing his visiting time is up. He holds out his hand to his friend. Josh takes it and pulls him into a tight embrace.

"You're my brother, you know that?" Josh asks, softly.

Sam nods and pulls away slowly. "You take care, Josh."

Josh nods, and watches his friend leave the room, wondering when they'll see each other again. Then he turns to Leo.


Leo enters the room awkwardly, his usually proud posture oddly angular. "Hey, Josh," he greets his deputy. "How you doin'?"

Josh grins humorlessly. "I'm... a little anxious, Leo."

Leo frowns slightly. As always, he goes straight for the apple. "Why did you agree to this mission?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why did you-"

"Because the president asked me to. And I serve at the-"

Leo jerks his gaze to meet the younger man's- Josh's own eyes widen at the rage he sees in Leo's glare. "The pleasure of the President? Joshua- you are unqualified to do this mission. Step down. Let the list get to me. He'll ask me, and *I'll* go. *I* serve at his pleasure- *you're* a deputy." His voice hardens. "Know your place. Step down."

Josh recoils as if Leo had just sucker-punched him. "Leo?" He asks softly. "What are you trying to do?"

Leo looks away. "Trying to make you decide not to go on this...." He pauses. "Business trip."

Josh smiles wanly. "He asked me first for a reason, Leo. I need to do this."

Leo grasps at straws. "And Donna?"

"I hate that she's coming.... but there's nothing I can do about it. If it's not me and Donna, it'd be Sam and Ginger. Or you and Margaret." He grins. "Now, there's an interesting scenario, huh?"

"You like your job?"


Leo sighs. "Then, I guess nothing I can say will make you forfeit." He looks at Josh again, this time his stare is warm and sad. "Your father would be proud," he says quietly and for a moment Josh isn't sure if he was meant to hear the statement.

Josh's eyes mist over unexpectedly. He inquires softly, "And you?"

"And I."

The two men hold each other's eyes for a long moment, then Leo breaks away.

"Your plane leaves soon?"

"Yeah. A few hours."

"You want me to try to get your mom down here? I can send her a-"

"No!" Josh interrupts. "I... I don't want her to know what's going on. I'm going on business. She shouldn't' have to worry more than necessary."

Leo answers softly, although he wishes he could tell Mrs. Lyman of the bravery of her son. "I understand."

Abbey enters the room from the side bathroom at this moment. She smiles softly at Leo before turning to her patient. "Ok, Josh. Hold out your arm. I'm going to give you and Donna a sedative that'll make you both very tired. When you awake, you'll already be on the plane heading to Quemar. Jed will be with you for a while, but then he'll get off at Nunrick, New Jersey. He wasn't supposed to go.... but he practically issued an executive order so that he could help influence and oversee this mission." She pauses. "Ok?"

"Yes, ma'am." Josh answers quickly.

Leo turns and is about to leave, but Josh's startled voice stops him. "Leo? Maybe you could...." He stops. He's embarrassed. He reminds himself that he's not twelve and they're not taking his tonsils out. Mommy can't hold his hand. "Forget it." He murmurs and leans against the easy chair's back, holding his arm out for Abbey.

But Leo, wonderful Leo, grabs the now vacant stool and sits next to his deputy, placing his hand tentatively on the younger man's forearm as Abbey inserts the needle.

Josh looks to Leo, his eyes immediately teary from the drug. "It'll be......ok....." He drawls.

The last thing he remembers is Leo tightening his grip, murmuring something that sounds strangely like "Godspeed" and "My son."


"Josh? Josh, wake up."

"Mr. President, perhaps we should allow him to awake on his own time-" A pause is then followed by a weak, "Never mind, sir."

Josh's eyes flutter for a few seconds before he is able to greet consciousness once again. As he glances around his surroundings, he realizes that he is on a luxury, fifteen seater jet. To his right sits Donna, her long blond hair pulled back in a misshaped pony tail. She's awake, but the circles under her eyes reveal her tiredness. Across from him sits Josiah Bartlet, and to the president's left is a man whom Josh has yet to meet.

"Good....afternoon, Mr. President." Josh greets.

"Actually, it's more like good evening, sir." The stranger corrects Josh.

"Josh, Donna, this is Joe Quot, he's going to be with you on this trip. He's the head of the operative part of the mission," Jed introduces the threesome.

Josh and Donna both shake Mr. Quot's hand. Josh straightens slightly, biting his lip.

"Let me explain to you what's going to happen, yes?" Joe speaks in a soft, European accent.

Donna nods, her own blue eyes blurry from the drug that had been administered to her a couple hours after Josh's.

Joe began, his voice remaining steady and business-like. "The goal of this mission might strike you as alarmingly clich�- the government of Quemar has produced a computer disk from unimportant means." He glanced at Josh and then Donna, as if challenging them to ponder more. Satisfied with their silence, he continued. "The disk's information, we believe, is in the home of Weq Lotyl- a representative of the Quemarian state Dors. Now, you both will be posing as ambassadors of sorts to the World Affair Conference, held biannually in Quemar. Lotyl has offered his home as a "hotel" for American ambassadors. A sort of good-will/traditional gesture."

Josh swallows the irony of this. "Anyway," Joe continues, his jet black eyes narrow with seriousness. "You and your assistant," Josh becomes immediately uneasy as Joe fails to address Donna. Joe does not succeed to notice this and continues yet again, "You will stay in Lotyl's home, posing as ambassador and wife."

Donna's eyes widened. "Won't they know we're not married?" She blushes slightly. "That we're not together?"

Joe smiles slightly. "Yes, this is where things get a bit complicated. You see, we needed to have a woman come with because we needed a second person without looking like we needed a second person. Anyway, it was a secret wedding. You have been married for four years. Your anniversary was August 2nd. That's all you need to know. Any more questions, say that you want to keep the fact that you are married as low as possible because of your high profile jobs. During the day, Josh will be at the seminar, conducting business as usual." He turns to Donna. "Donna, between the hours of 1pm to 2pm, you will have the home to yourself. This is when you need to access the disk's information."

Donna nods hesitantly. "But how will I find it?"

Josh's hands tighten into fist. No, he didn't like this plan at all. Not in the least.

Joe smiles softly. "We have reason to believe the files are downloaded unto the hard drive. Wearing this," He produced a type of earpiece and dagger that looked like a tongue ring. "We'll be able to give you instructions. The whole procedure of downloading the information unto the disk and deleting the remaining information will take approximately twenty minutes. You will do this your second day." Donna stomach tightens.

Joe continues, "The third day, you will leave with Josh to the market. You will both stand outside the fish market and a government car will pick you up and take you to the airport."

"Do you both understand the instructions?" Bartlett speaks for the first time after the information had been given.

"Yes." Josh started, "But, I don't like the idea of Donna being left by herself at the home of this guy. And you only give her an hour to do a twenty minute job. I don't like that ratio."

"I'm sorry, but this is the only way." Joe replied.

"Josh, I can handle it. It's transfer and delete. Piece of-"

"Well, it'll be slightly more difficult than that. But we'll talk you through it," Joe remands her.

Donna gulps.

Josh nods, sharing his gaze with Donna, he addresses the president. "We won't let you down." His arms slides protectively around Donna's back, squeezing her shoulder.

The president leaves the plane about an hour later. Eighteen sleepless hours later, Josh, Joe, and Donna arrive at the Quemar International Airport.

And thus Operation-Oscar begins.


The airport was mad, even at 11:30 p.m. local time. Mad as in crazy, mad as in angry- it was just plain *mad.*

Donna tightens the scarf around her blond hair, the pale blue fabric itching her scalp and forehead. However, Joe had asked her to wear it. Something about respect and blending in. Josh reaches instinctively for her hand as the couple follows Joe through the airport. The CIA hotshot wears a chauffeur's uniform and carries Donna's rather heavy duffel bag as he guides the two staffers through hellish Quemar International Airport.

Donna glances around her surroundings, noticing few women among the mostly male populated airline gates. But the small clusters of women, with their haunted expressions almost completely hidden underneath dark colored veils cause Donna to shiver.

Finally, the threesome makes its way through a wall of doors into the hot, humid Quemar air. Donna loosens the recently tightened scarf, yearning to rip off the material and pull her hair back into a pony-tail. Josh exchanges anxious glances with Joe as he opens the door for his two "charges." Josh moves to allow Donna to enter the car first, then follows her, assisting Joe in slamming the sedan's door shut, blocking out the polluted night-time air.

The windows are tinted almost completely, and the divider between the driver's part and the cab is closed. Josh leans to touch Donna's face with his hand when he notices her nervous glances out the darkened windows.

"It'll be ok, Donna. Don't worry."

She grins half-heartedly. "I'm more worried for you- having to venture out in this city tomorrow all by yourself. Poor guy."

He smiles softly and drops his hand. "You just be careful, Donnatella..."

"I will."

"I mean it, this could get-"

"We're here."

A modest, three story townhouse welcomes them. Its luscious yard is guarded by fierce looking black-iron gates complete with chicken wire. The drive to the front entrance takes a few minutes because of the checkpoint at the gates where a security guard questions the driver.

Finally, the car stops, and Joe walks around the back, opens the door for Josh, and helps Donna out of the automobile. He then walks to the trunk and yanks out both their luggage bags, motioning for the house staff to take it from there. Josh walks to Joe and hands him a crisp twenty dollar bill, and shakes his hand a moment longer than he would a normal chauffeur.

A young butler- probably not older than Charlie- tells three maids to take the luggage. Josh glances at these women, their bodies completely covered except for a small slit in their veils for their eyes and noses.

The butler smiles kindly, though, and offers his hand to Josh. "Good day, sir. My name is Jou Al-murt. And you are Mr. Lyman, yes?"

Josh nods. "Yes." As the butler fails to offer his hand to Donna, Josh boldly introduces his assistant. "And this is my wife, Donna Moss-Lyman."

The butler nods to her. "Ms. Lyman. How do you do?"

"Well, thank you," Donna answers, her voice trembling slightly.

Jou turns and leads the couple into the home. Decorated graciously, a lighted crystal chandelier hangs in the foyer, and Josh is able to glance through about eight sitting rooms before the group begins to ascend a metal, winding staircase. Jou then leads them into a bedroom, a large four poster bed sprawled in the middle, two dressers against one wall opposite a walk in closet. A large poster window with a window overlooking the large, countryesque backyard faces the foot of the bed.

The three maids from the entrance enter the room carrying the luggage, placing it before the dressers. They nod slightly to the Americans before leaving just as silently as they had entered.

Jou grins good-naturally and starts in broken but decent English. " I will send a servant to wake you in the morning with....... coffee. Are you both settled for now?"

"Yes, Jou. Thank you." Josh nods to the butler as he leaves, closing the door behind him.

"Josh, I-" Donna begins as soon as the door clicks shut.

Josh shakes his head abruptly, placing a finger over his lips. Then, he takes a type of device from his briefcase. He flicks it on, and it beeps slightly before staying at a long hum.

"Ok, we can talk now. Sorry," He starts apologetically. "I needed to check to make sure there weren't any bugs or other recording devices in the room."

Donna sighs and falls on the bed, yanking the god-awful scarf off her head and throwing it on the floor. Josh sighs and sits next to her on the hard mattress.



They both start simultaneously.

"You go first."

"Ok-" Donna starts. "I.... I was just thinking about tomorrow. What if I'm not able to find the information?"

"You will."

Donna nods, satisfied.

"Donna, if anything goes wrong-"

"It won't."

"-if it *does.* I want you to leave. Just go to the market and you'll be picked up."

Donna shivered. "I won't leave you here."

Josh sighs, frustrated.

"We better get to bed, anyway," Josh started. "It's late, and we have a big day tomorrow."

They both seem to get uncomfortable, noticing that, obviously, there's only one bed in the large room.

"Donna, I hate asking this of you, but if someone were to walk in and saw me sleeping on the floor-" He blushes.

She nods, blinking slightly. "We're bunkmates. I understand. After all, we've been married how long?"

"Five years this August."

With that, both the not-so-nearly-newlyweds undress (in separate rooms, of course) and lay hesitantly next to each other in the large bed. Josh tries to position himself as far away as possible from Donna's pajama clad body- but instead, he finds his leg and hip resting comfortably against hers.

A few minutes past. "Josh?"


"Can I have some more covers?"

He mutters "sure" and pushes some of the comforter over to her.

A few more minutes go by. "Hey, Josh?"


"Tomorrow- if something goes wrong-"

"It won't."

"But *if* it does... the operation fails, right?"

A pause. "Yeah."

"We won't fail, though, right?"

"Never." His voice is strong, confident, and exactly what she needs.


He waits until he hears her gentle, even breathing before he allows himself to fall into the comfort of sleep.


"Donna, wake up." Josh shakes the woman sleeping to his right. "C'mon, you have to wake up now."

Donna opens her eyes abruptly, almost in shock.

"Jeez, Donna. There's no fire, we just have to start getting ready."

Donna closed her eyes for a brief moment, then pushed herself off the tall bed and walked groggily into the bathroom. A few minutes later, Josh can hear the shower running.

Satisfied, he unzips one of his clothing bags hanging in the almost bare closet. He shrugs into navy colored slacks and a white dress shirt. "God, I hope I'm doing the right thing," he says to himself.

About twenty minutes later, both staffers are dressed- and very, very anxious.

Donna starts to pace the room; the digital alarm clock the secret service agents had packed for her blinks the number 8:45 systematically.

"Donna, you're making me nervous."

"Sorry." She stops pacing.

"Did you put on your earpiece and mouthpiece?"

She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and nods. "Yes."

"And your tongue thing?"

"I'll put it on later... I think it's going to be uncomfortable."

"Put it on now, Donna, ok? Just to make sure."

She sighs and reaches into her purse and takes out the flexible piece of metal. She fidgets with it a bit before she is able to secure it on the back right side of her tongue.

"Let me see."

She sticks her tongue out at him, a grin playing on her lips.

Josh grins, too. "Yeah, ok."

A knock sounds at the door. "Mr. Lyman?"

"Yeah, Jou, I'm on my way." He brings Donna to him closely in a hug, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. He whispers, "Good bye, Donna. Good luck."

She smiles softly, more confused than anything at this sudden display of affection. But before she is able to question his strange behavior, he turns and leaves. "Bye, Josh," She whispers to the closed door.

******12:30 p.m. (Quemar Local Time)

"Ms. Moss?" Jou knocks at the door.

Donna flicks off the TV and walks to the door, opening it for the Butler. "Yes?"

"The staff is going on its two hour break, now. You'll be here alone, is that alright? If there are any emergencies, there's a phone in every room. Just dial 'star' 3-2-5."

"Alright, Jou, thanks." She struggles to control her voice.

Satisfied, he leaves. She sits on the bed, stares at the blank T.V., waits for instructions... and prays.


"Control to Moss." The sudden noise in her earpiece causes her to jump slightly.

"Yes, I'm here," she answers quietly.

"How you doin, Donna?"

She smiles as she recognizes Joe's deep voice. "I'll be good as soon as this is over."

"Ok. Then, let's get started. You need to go to the main office."

She rises and leaves her room. Walking quickly, her heart begins to speed up considerably. Even though she knows the home is completely empty, she finds herself looking at each room for occupants.

She finds the room she had spotted last night. On the first floor, almost hidden between a linen closet and a large sitting room, laid a small office.

She enters and closes the door behind her, flinching at the loud "clamp" sound the hinges make.

"You there?"


"Ok, go to the computer, it should be on."

She sits in the large leather chair, facing the very modern computer. "It is," she informs the voice.

"Ok, now, press the small button under the large square one on the hard drive at the same time as the computer monitor's brightness button."

She finds the knobs. "At the same time?"

"That's it."

She presses them both simultaneously, and almost just as quickly as the screen saver had stopped, a new desktop appears on the screen.

"Wow," she breathes.

"I'm assuming it changed modes?"


"Ok, now this gets complicated, so be careful."

"Ok," she says. She feels more confident now, despite her fluttery heart rhythm.

"Open the file that says "Dr.Hue.""

She finds the icon on the desktop and clicks it. "Got it."

"Ok, now you have to go to "file" and "open."

She clicks those, thanking the English language script on the computer.

"It's in English, right?" Joe asks.

"Yeah, I was just wondering about that."

"Well, consider it a courtesy of the sexiest, most handsome CIA operative-"

She chuckles slightly, then interrupts him. "I'm there."

"Now," his voice turns deadly serious. "Click the file that says "d-e-q-e-5-6."

She does so. "Did it."

"Ok, now before you double-click it again, you need to know the password. You have three seconds it type it in, and you can't misspell it. Make sure the caps lock is off. The password is Bar-102- tlet."

She takes in a breath, sweat on her forehead and palms. "Ok." She double clicks the item.

Immediately, an alert sign/password verifier comes up. She deletes the current password and allows her fingers to fly over the keyboard. She jolts the "enter" key, and gasps as the screen is filled with yet another completely different desktop design.

"I'm back to the desktop page," Fear racks her voice. "Did something go wrong- "

"No, no. This is exactly where you need to be. Now, you're going to upload *this* desktop directly to my computer. Ok? The hardest part is over, Donna. You're doing excellently."

She sighs a breath of relief.

Joe begins the second set of instructions. "Go to *File Transfer.*"

She does so.

"Click on "Copy to supporter."

"Got it." She glances at the clock. 1:25.

"Type this into the "supporter" blank. T-i-e-s-c-y-w-a-g-1-4-7-1-1-3-g-exclamation mark- period-right parenthesis."

She types it as he speaks. Then she repeats it back to him. "Ok, press send."

She clicks the send button.

She waits for Joe's voice.

Almost a minute passes. "J-joe?"

"Got it! Great work, Miss Moss. It's transferring right now. Just sit tight until it's done, then you just need to get back to the main screen by pressing those two buttons again."

She allows herself to fall against the leather chair, her head aching slightly.

She watches the percentage sign slowly rise. 12% complete. 45%. 49% 52%....

She glances anxiously at the clock. 1:49.

100% Upload completed.

"Finally," she breathes into the mike. Suddenly, she hears the front door open and slam shut.

"Donna get out of there right now!" Joe voice yells at her. "NOW!

She leans over to press the buttons quickly. She waits, her eyes large as saucers, for the screen to turn back. A minute passes, she hits the chair back impatiently.

"Donna, I don't hear you moving! Go back!"

She stabs the buttons with her nails, pressing them as far in as they can go.

Only then does the screen flashes back to the first desktop. She turns and moves her hand to open the heavy door.

At that same moment, the door swings open.

"Ms. Lyman-Moss?" asks a rather confused Jou. "What are you doing in here?"

"Oh," Donna tries to keep her voice natural and even. "Hi, Jou."

"Miss Moss, what are you doing here?" Jou repeats, his voice sounding more stern but less forbearing than it had a second earlier.

"I was just using the computer," she replies nonchalantly.

The servant narrows his eyes. "For what reason?"

"To check my e-mail."

"Oh," Jou relaxes. "Did you have many messages, Miss Moss?" Now his tone was easier, practically conversational.

"No internet," a voice, barely audible, hisses in her ear. Donna is unable to interpret the murmur.

"Not really." Donna answers slowly, unsure of her answer.

"That's funny."

"What is?" she questions, her throat tightening.

"That computer does not have internet access."


"Control to Lyman, Control to Josh." A voice urgently pleads in his ear.

Josh jumps. Luckily, the conference room is crowded with hundreds of politicos from around the world eating lunch at long, dining room style tables.

A Spanish ambassador shoots him an irritable look. "Que es?" He asks the deputy.

"Nada," Josh answers. "Perdon."

"Leave the room and go through the hallway on your right." The voice orders him.

Josh leaves the room as quickly as he can without drawing attention to himself, and starts down the hallway.

"Move it!" The voice in his ear urges him. "Hurry!"

Josh breaks out into a run as soon as the heavy door connecting the dining area to the corridor closes. He reaches the end of the hallway in a manner of seconds.

"Go through the doors."

He opens the doors quickly and takes a tentative step through them to the outside the building. "What's going on?" He hisses into his own mouthpiece. "Did something happen-"

Just then, a black Sedan with tinted windows pulls up and the backdoor swings open. Josh doesn't recognize the driver, but he jumps into the car just as he hears the corridor door open.

"Hey! You! Stop!" A Quemarian guard yells at the car as he steps outside, only meters away from the Sedan.

The driver floors the expensive vehicle. Josh watches in horror as the guard takes out a pistol from his coat.

"Down!" Joe, the only other passenger in the Sedans, orders.

Both men dive to the floor just before bullets strike the car's bumper and trunk.


Donna opens her eyes slowly, her throbbing head awakening her. She jolts, startled as a deer caught in headlights as she realizes where she is.

*Oh, god,* she realizes. *I'm a prisoner.*

She's in a type of cellar- or maybe an attic. Either way, there are no windows here. The floors are bare of carpet or tile, while pipes and planks serve as a ceiling.

She's fastened to a rather uncomfortable wooden chair, her back already aching from her strange position. Her feet are bare. *Bastard took my shoes,* she thinks angrily. Her long sleeved blouse is wrinkled, and her khaki slacks are torn at the knees. *What, did they drag me or something?*

Only now does she become aware of the painful throbbing in her jaw and head. She tries to touch her face to determine the damage. She groans as she realizes that this is impossible because of a strong twine rope that binds her wrists behind her and to the chair's back. Her ankles, too, are bound together. She winces slightly as she tries to pull the rope around her wrists apart with pure strength, while instead the twine cuts deeply into her arms.

Just then, the door at the front of the room opens. Two men enter, a twisted smile on each's face.

"Well, well, well," begins the man with an ugly brown mustache. "What have we here, boys?"


"What the fuck is going on?" Josh yells as soon as the car pulls safely into the US embassy's gates about ten minutes later. Four armored guards approach the car and begin to escort the two passengers into the Embassy's crystal walls.

"Mr. Lyman, the mission was completed successively. Miss Moss did exactly what needed to be done."

Josh's vision blurs for a moment as they enter the building. "What- Donna?" He chokes out, stunned. He swallows. "Did something happen to Donna?" He half yells at the CIA agent.

"Sir, you have to be calm, ok? You have to control yourself."

"What happened to Donna?!"

Joe swallows, a flicker of guilt in his eyes. "She was captured right after she uploaded the information. They're keeping her in the house, probably in the first sub-basement. They've taken out her hearing aid, but they haven't found her mouth-phone, yet." His voice stiffens. "We have agents surrounding the area and many people are working at this moment on a rescue mission. The White House is being notified as we speak.... perhaps we should sit." He leads Josh into one of the Embassy's private sitting rooms and closes the door behind them.

Josh's eyes widen and he runs a hand through his unruly hair. "God," he whispers. "Donna's being held hostage, isn't she?" He begins to pace back and forth across the small room.

"Well..." Joe's voice is uneasy. "They haven't begun to ask for ransom. We... we don't think they will, seeing as how Miss Moss holds little celebrity."

Josh's heart falls. Suddenly it becomes clear. "They're.... then... why is she still... alive?" He asks, his voice barely a whisper. *Don't answer, please.* He begs subconsciously.

Joe cringes and begins gently. "Mr. Lyman... it is our belief the terrorists will try to get the mission's information from Miss Moss in.... any way necessary."

"Torture," Josh whispers, almost to himself. His voice fills with dread and anxiety. "They're going to torture her."



An eerie silence hangs in the Oval Office after Al Greuw finishes informing the senior staff and the president about the situation.

Sam, sandwiched between Toby and CJ on the small sofa, is the first to speak.

�Well, what do we do now?" He asks slowly, deliberately.

"We have a team planning a rescue mission at the very moment, Sam. We'll be keeping the president updated."

Leo glances at CJ, her slender frame stiff, her eyes wide. "And we have no contact with her? None at all?" She asks.

But Al, instead of answering crisply, bites his lip for a moment.

Bartlett notices this and glances at the director. "Al, what is it?"

"That's not.... entirely true."


"I need a phone- a secure line."

"Josh, you *need* to calm down. You're no help to us if you're hyperventilating."

"I need a fucking phone, Joe!" Josh yells, slamming his palm against the wall of the room.

Joe leaves the room murmuring curse words under his breath. Josh begins to pace yet again.

*I never should have agreed to go,* he chastises himself. *Not with her. Not with her.*

Joe returns to the room with a large black cell phone. "This is secure, Josh. I've taken the liberty of dialing the Oval for you."

Josh nods and takes the phone from the agent, gripping the cell tightly with trembling hands.

"Yes?" A familiar voice answers.

"Charlie. Put me through."

A click. Another click. And then-

"God, Josh. Are you alright?"


Al was just about to elaborate his answer as the phone rang.

CJ, Sam, and Toby quickly crowd around the front of the President's desk as he answers the phone by pressing the speakerphone button.

"God, Josh. Are you alright?"

"I'm... fine," Josh answers, his voice slightly garbled by distance and technology. "Sir, what's going on?" His voice is begging, pleading for news.

Al Gruew answers. "Mr. Lyman, this is Albert Gruew, director of the CIA. Donna Moss is definitely being held in the residence of the home you were staying at. However," his voice raises a notch. "We do know that she is most likely alive."

"Thank god. How do you know that?" Josh asks.

"The terrorists have not yet found her mouth-phone."


"In the mouth-phone is a tracking device. We know her exact location."

Sam turns to face the director. "Wait a minute," he starts. "If the phone is working-"

"We can also hear her." The director finishes.


Brown mustache walks towards her, a smile playing on his barely visible lips. "Miss Moss, eh? White house employee? I've never had a god damn white house employee before."

"Bruce, forget that. You know Boss would never let us hear the end of it if we stooped *that* low with *her.*" The other man jokes, his hoarse voice scratching the cool air like a knife.

"Alright, Max. *But* she is going to tell us what she knows." Bruce walks to Donna's chair. "So, Miss Donna- what a pretty name for a pretty girl." He grabs her face for a second. He takes back his hand. "Tell us what you know. Why are you here?"

"I don't know... what you're talking about." Donna hisses, trying to sound as stern as possible.

Bruce brings back his hand.


A couple agents wheel a cart into the Oval Office. On the cart is a state-of-the-art stereo. The only thing unique is the CIA seal on the small speakers' sides.

"Mr. President," Al starts. "We can listen to her. I don't know if you would want to- if your staff would want to. It's not going to be very attractive, I can assure you that. Josh, we can hook up one of the speakers to the phone so you can listen, also- if you choose to do so."

There's a pause on the telephone. "I just want to hear her voice." Josh answers softly.

Sam's heart tears at his friend's sorrowful request. "Josh, how are you holding up?" He asks quietly into the speakerphone.

"Sam, that's you?"


"I'm... not important right now. Is he hooking up the equipment?"

Toby glances at the agents setting up the stereo as he answers. "Yeah, Josh. You hang in there, ok?"


Jed glances to Leo. His chief of staff's eyes are bluer than usual. He reaches out to place his hand on his friend's shoulder, but Leo takes a step back, shaking his head.

"It's ready." One of the agents informs the group.

Al clicks on the speaker.

"What a pretty name for a pretty girl..." a rough voice greets the senior staff. There's a soft wince. "....Why are you here?"

The horrible sound of an object striking skin is heard next.


Josh gasps as he hears the slap. "Oh god," he whispers, pain in his voice.


Jed swears. "Bastard."

CJ winces softly, placing a hand on Toby's shaking shoulder.

Toby's eyes harden.

Leo glances to the president.

Sam listens, rage in his eyes.


"Now, *bitch,* tell us the truth."

Donna glares at him, a large purple bruise already appearing on her throbbing cheek. "I don't know what you're-"

He brings back his fist this time and punches her squarely in the jaw. This time, a choking cry leaves her lips.

*Oh, god,* she thinks. *That hurt.* Unable to touch her face, she moves her cheek to her shoulder.

"Max, you wanna try?"

"Ok, Donna." Max's voice is slightly gentler than Bruce's. He kneels in front of her, so they're at eye level. "If you tell us who sent you here, we'll let you go. Just tell us who sent you here, sweetie."

She drops her gaze. "I don't know-"

He shakes his head, interrupting her. "Wrong answer, pie." He motions to Bruce. Bruce grabs her neck, forcing her to hold her head straight. "Now, let's try this again- who sent you here?"

She shakes her head, not bothering to speak. Bruce walks behind her and kicks her chair over, forcing her to land harshly on her face and forehead.

She gasps, pain seizing her head. Her eyes begin to tear up.

"Tell me," this time it's Max. He prods her stomach with his metal-toed shoe.

He waits a moment, then thrusts his foot forcefully to her upper stomach.

Donna gags. "I.... won't.... talk." She whispers.

He kicks her again. And again. And again.

Just when she thinks she might not regain her breath- she sees his shoe coming to her face.


The piercing scream echoes on the recording speaker. Sam's face is white. "They... what are they doing to her?"

"What does sound like?!" Toby answers sharply.

Sam takes a step back. "They.... " He won't finish his thought.

"Turn it off." Leo orders Al. "Turn it off."

Josh's voice responds on the phone. "No! She's alive, Leo. This is my-" he corrects himself. "*Our* Donna."

Al reenters the room. "Mr. President- we have a team ready to ambush the residence. We just need a "go" from you."

"Is this the last resort, Al?"

"Yes, sir."

The president flinches. "What is my possibilities ratio?"

"About 50-50, Mr. President."

Leo bites his lip. "Sir, it's our best bet now."

Jed nods slowly. "Do it."


Joe enters the sitting room. "C'mon, Josh. We're leaving."

Josh glares at the agent, the cell phone still pressed against his ear. "What?"

"They're about to ambush the house. I assumed you would want to be closer if they are able to rescue her-"

Josh speaks into the phone. "Joe's taking me to her." He then drops the cell phone to the floor and follows the agent out of the room.


Donna opens her eyes, barely able to see through the blood and tears circulating her face. The pain is almost unbearable. She's still suspended from the tipped over chair, her chest and face burning from the blows. The rope continues to cut deeply into her arms and legs.

"Donna, Donna, Donna." Max chastises. "Who sent you?" He fingers a metal rod. Then, he uses the rod to poke her ribs. "Tell." Poke. "Tell." Poke. "Tell!" He jams the rod to her ribcage. She bites her lip to keep from screaming, but a muffled yell escapes her.

"Nobody!" She yells, her voice hoarse. "That's who sent me, you sick assholes! Nobody!"

The room is flooded with the sound of bullets.


Josh sits impatiently in the Mercedes with Joe, a couple blocks away from the house. "What are they doing now?" He asks the agent.


The Oval Office is once again silenced, the sound of bullets followed by footsteps and shouting.

CJ glances at the stereo. "C'mon, Donna," she whispers. "C'mon."

An agent's unintelligible voice garbles through Al's walkie talkie. He adjusts the frequency and speaks into it.

"Repeat that, Agent Black."

"Yes, sir," the agent replies. "Moss is alive, sir. She's pretty banged up, but she's alive."


"Donna, wake up."

"Sir, she's been under anesthetic. Give her a second."

Josh ignores the nurse. "Donna?"

Donna opens her eyes slowly.

"Josh?" She whispers, her voice scratching her throat.

"Hey." He greets her. She's dressed in a blue hospital gown and connected to various monitors. "How you doin'?"

She chuckles. Then, she coughs because it hurts to laugh. "Just peachy."

Josh's face turns serious. "You want to hear the damage report?"

She nods.

"We're at the hospital in the embassy. You have two broken ribs- which you just had surgery for. Everything went well, by the way. You have four broken bones in your face, and your left wrist and right ankle are sprained." He looks away. "I'm so sorry, Donna." His eyes harden over. "Those bastards... we could hear it all through your mouth-phone..." His voice breaks slightly. "It should have been me."

"You wouldn't have survived that, Josh." Donna answers softly. "Not with your heart."

"I still would rather it had been-"

She suddenly remembers the reason why all this happened. "Was the mission completed?" She interrupts abruptly.

"Yeah," He's surprised that she asks that. "Yeah."

She breathes a sigh of relief. For the first time, she notices how battle-weary her boss looks. His tie and jacket are long gone, his eyes are shadowed by dark circles and his hair is for more unruly than usual.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"Almost seven o'clock Wednesday morning."

"You've..." She swallows, her voice trembling. "Been awake this whole time?"

"I couldn't sleep. Not until I heard your voice again." He cups her face with his hand.

A tear betrays her, sliding down her face. "Well, you can sleep now. 'Cause I'm going to be okay, Josh." She pauses, and then corrects herself. "*We're* going to be okay."

He smiles slightly, twelve hours of pure terror and agony finally in the past. "I know, Donnatella," he whispers as he leans forward to kiss cheek softly. "I know."

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