I have been thinking about selling girl items such as picture frames, candles, personalized notebooks, shirts, and maybe more. So far its just a thought. CLICK HERE if you would like to suggest anything else, or just what you think about it.
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Along with filming her movie, Nicole is currently auditioning for another role in an upcoming movie. Be sure to come back to see if she got the role or not!!
I am currently working on a new movie that I am producing. It is called "If Only You Knew". I am totally excited about working on it and hopefully everything works out for the movie!! Read below for the movies storyline and then vote on whether or not you like it!
"If Only You Knew"
Characters: Meg (main), Sarah(bestfriend), Jordan(Megs crush), Jake(Sarahs boyfriend), Jeremy(best guy friend), and Steph(Megs new not so good friend).

Meg, the main character, is kind of geeky and has never had a boyfriend. Her and her friend Sarah both work at Safeway and are in grade 12. Meg has a crush on a guy named Jordan who is one of the semi cool guys in school. Out of nowhere he starts talking to Meg and eventually they go out. However, after a few days Jordan dumps Meg because his friends are making fun of him for dating her because she is not "cool enough". Meg then goes through a make-over and comes back to school looking totally hot. She then makes friends with Steph who is the popular girl at school. Steph and her group of friends then dare Meg to kiss Jake, who is Sarah's boyfriend, in order to make it into the "cool group". Meg ends up kissing Jake, which just gets her in trouble with her best friend Sarah. Meg then finds out that the only reason why Jordan dated her was because he was dared to in order to be popular. Meg then decides that being in the "cool group" is not what she wants and isnt who she is. She goes to her best guy friend Jeremy who has secretly like Meg since they were in grade 5. They both hang out a lot because Sarah is not speaking to Meg. Meg looks to Jeremy for answers and eventually she questions if she is falling for Jeremy or not. Meg eventually sends Sarah an old home movie from when they were younger and a note explaining that what she did was dumb. Her and Sarah are friends again and Jordan tells Meg that he actually did have some feelings for her when they were going out and he wanted to go out again, but Meg said no and went out with Jeremy.
What do you think about Nicole's new movie?
Do you like it or not, or would you ever watch the movie in theatres?
Thoughts on Nicole's Movie:
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