Cast and Credits

The Players (in alphabetical order)

AlliRulz as Diane "Bangs" Evans
casperchick as Ava
clarinetkate as Agent Duff
daniel charters as Liz "Bot" Parker
Don't Mind Me (a.k.a. me) as Grant Sorenson
duangofundle as Tess Harding
fulsome as Agent Pierce
geilig (a.k.a. Noah) as Congresswoman Vanessa Whittaker
Hell Cat as Courtney
Jam Master J as Isabel Evans
Jeannette as Michael Guerin (up to Round 11)
jenery as Brody "Simon" Davis
Julie25 as Kyle Valenti (up to Round 11)
Kelli Kel Kel as Sean DeLuca
Liaso as Kyle Valenti (after Round 11)
Lotsa98 as Alex Whitman
mindyb0b as River Dog
mnemosyne23 as Michael Guerin (after Round 11)
Mogley as Nicholas
mollyann as Laurie "In a Box" Dupree
Ms Carolyn as Sheriff Jim "Porno" Valenti
Ms.Piggy as Agent Topolsky
Nike as Zan
Nosebleed as Jason "Kato" Katims
Princess Vevay as Betty Osorio
SunMoonStar as Amy DeLuca
trancer as Lonnie
Ulkis as Eddie
UrbanBushman as Rath (a.k.a. Raphael Shawntiqua De La Ghetto)
Virgin Martini as Max Evans
wmpoty as Maria DeLuca

Other Credits and Thanks

Jeannette and Julie25 as Your Host, Just Peachy
Slippy - for the immunity trivia questions
Dinosaur - our bestest fan
djb - the always cool MBTV Roswell moderator

"The Healing of Two Hearts" was written by Ms Carolyn and Nosebleed.
"Orgasmic Strawberry Dreams" was written by... someone. If anyone knows who, please email me so I can give him or her the props he or she so deserves.

In the scavenger hunt challenge, excerpts were taken from the following fanfics:
"Inititation" by Shadowgrl
"Orgasmic Sexcapades" by jbehrbabe
"Tres Dias" by Jez
and a Max/Liz poem ("written with a pen, sealed with a kiss...") by Isabel

Mr. Monkey Fantastico was not harmed in the making of this thread.


First part - The Tribes and Their Luxury Items

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