Which Female Roswell Character Are You?

a personality quiz by Nicole Anell and Ellen

Which best describes your parents?
caring, concerned, and understanding
fun, flaky, and easy-going
bitter, controlling, and sociopathic
dull, average, and mostly absent

What makeup can't you leave home without?
pink lip gloss or face glitter
a gob of eyeshadow and mascara
foundation, blush, lipstick, eyeliner - you know what? I can't live without any of it. I practically own CVS.
what makeup?

Are any of these your favorite subject in school...?
I thought shop was fun
math, science - all of them!

What kind of college did/will you attend?
an Ivy League or a nice private college
a state or city university
a party school
didn't go to college

The holiday season is here. What are you thinking about?
that oddly contagious Christmas spirit. fa la la la la.
peace on Earth and good will towards men
decoratoins and plans and busy schedules and oh great WHY THE @#*! ARE THE LIGHTS BLINKING?

Who comes first?
my family
my friends
my boyfriend

For the intellectuals: what Shakespeare play reminds you of your last romance?
"Romeo and Juliet" of course
"The Taming of the Shrew". My boyfriend is the shrew.
Shakespeare? I don't know. Which was the one that had Mel Gibson in it?

Have you ever been called... ?
a goody two-shoes
a perfectionist
a strange person
names that are unprintable in a PG-rated quiz

Would you kill anyone?
Sure. Why the hell not?
Of course not! Not even little insects on the sidewalk!
Probably not, but I might badly injure them.
Only really really bad people.

What do you think about sex?
It's the most intimate connection between two people and should only be shared when both parties are certain it's the right time and they'll stay together forever.
It's great and fun and important, as long as the relationship isn't entirely based on it.
It's not that big a deal to me. There are other kinds of intimacy I'm more reluctant about.
What? Right now? Okay, hang on, I have to finish taking the quiz first...

What's worth the most?

What do you believe about True Love?
It's pre-destined. Some people are just fated to be together.
It's unpredictable, beautiful, and it lasts forever.
It's based on trust and being comfortable with someone.
Not sure it exists, but you've got it bad if someone starts pissing you off more than anyone else.

Have you ever been arrested?
No, I'm a total innocent. What are you looking at?
No, but my close friends and/or members of my family have been.
Once. Or a couple of times. But it wasn't my fault!
Heh. Like I would get caught.

What do you think of Britney Spears?
I love her! I wish I could be that hot.
I secretly like a couple of her songs.
She's pretty but so juvenile. I don't really care.
She's the devil. She's so fake and irritating I want to smack her.

Someone's given you the power to magically alter your hair! What do you do?
make it a lot longer and a different color
make it a lot shorter and a different color
make it go from really curly to really straight and back again, in a single day
make it so shiny it blinds anyone who looks directly at it

What are you wearing right now?
something retro or creative
something cutesy or feminine
something sexy that screams WOW
something comfortable

Favorite fairy tale character?
the princess
the wicked witch
the fairy godmother
the Prince Charming

Boys are cute when they act:
really dumb

I have a big secret. Can I trust you with it?
Definitely, I won't tell a soul. I got your back.
I might tell a couple of my friends, but nobody else.
Depends on the secret. I'm not promising anything.
What's in it for me?

What's inside your head?
a calculator
a fantasy world
someone else/split personality
the last song I heard on the radio, in a continuous loop

Extra windows will open if you have a tie.


I programmed this test based on codes from the Spongebob Squarepants quiz and the Care Bear quiz.

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