Those Yugoslavs Sure Know How To Party!
    After we had settled in and been in town for about a week, it became time to have a proper party. This is serious business in Yugoslavia. We held the party on a Monday, and yet, at least 50 people showed up! The morning of the day of the party was spent preparing. We had to get a small truck to deliver the alcohol and pop. We went around town buying snacks etc. This took quite a while as there are no real grocery stores in Bela Crkva, but about 15 government-owned stores which all seemed to sell small quantities of the same things: shampoo, pop, cheese, ice-cream (no complaints here!), and sweets. We had to go to a special store to buy cookies, and to the Free Market just to get napkins and plastic cups. The lady of the house spent all day cooking and the smells that came out of the kitchen... mmm. My favourite were the baby cresent rolls filled with cheese. Yum.
     The party itself was awesome! I couldn't really speak to anyone and didn't understand 95% of what was being said, but I had a ball! I danced like a mad thing, drank my cheap white wine, and just took in the scenery. In many ways, the party was a great ice-breaker for me and I met lots of new people. The music, by the way, was supplied by computer. We played MP3s all night! Interesting note: Celtic music is very popular in Yugoslavia. They play traditional stuff along with "Loreena McKennit" and the "Chieftains". I would love to send the group who call themselves the "Celtic Crew" a "Great Big Sea" CD, or "Ashley MacIsaac". One thing is for certain, despite the crap in their everyday lives, or perhaps
to spite it, people here know how to have good time. And boy, can they drink! Below are some photos of the crazy night (most were taken before people got too drunk...)
The Boys - From left to right:
Sasa (Sasha) - Owner of TRG, great sense of humour, slight "double-clicking" problem.
Drda (Dirdah) - Member of "Faros", a local sci-fi club, quiet, but deadly attractive...
Kolja (Kolyah)-
My host. King of silly faces (when being photographed), lovely eyes.
Jarko (Yarkoh) - Musician, gentleman, shameless flirt.
Kolja and I. He looks rather giddy, doesn't he?
Dorian, the Celtic dancing machine. If you look closely, you will see that he is Irish- Stepping around a beer bottle. He speaks very good English (with a British accent!)
An invitation to Irish Night, which was held at "Popeye Pub,"  a fine establishment 3 or 4 blocks from where I stayed. The entire "Celtic Crew" struck me as quite mad. I liked them immediately.
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