TRG: A Welcome Oasis
How could I not include a small tribute to TRG? We went there every day and I was always greeted with a smile (and usually a slightly rude joke!) TRG was the first place I visited in Bela Crkva and coincidentally, the last. I will always remember sipping my Fanta and watching the world go by. I will remember the ice cream (which I am eating in the photo to your left. That is Sasa sitting with me). I will remember the day a little kitten strolled by and fell asleep on one of the chairs. I will remember staying up until 5 am talking and then eating Burek as the sun came up. I will remember the sleeping security guard. I will remember the live music and having at least one song dedicated to me every night. Most of all, I will remember the company, even though I can guarantee I will not remember what anyone said!
Weifert, the best beer in Yugoslavia. Everyone drinks either this or Vrsacko. In restaurants, beer sells for about 50 cents - for half a litre.
A bill from one of our many nights at TRG. It says that we ordered: 10 beers (pivo), 2 wines (belo vino), 1 cappucino, and 3 balls of ice cream (sladoled). The grand total: 335 dinars, just a nickel over $10.
Turn, eh?
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