Where I Disappeared To For A Month,
Or What This Site Is All About....

(An Introduction)

      At the beginning of July 2000 I disappeared for almost a month.

I don't think many people were too worried. Afterall, I told them where I was going. On July 5th, an aeroplane flew out of Halifax airport. It was aimed at Yugoslavia and I was on it. Not your idea of a relaxing vacation spot I'm sure. I went for several reasons. First of all, I did not go alone. I accompanied my Yugoslav boyfriend who was returning home to visit his family and friends in his home town of Bela Crkva (more on that later). I also went because I was truly interested in learning about this country which has been in the news so much as of late. I figured my visit would prove to be very educational both politically and culturally. I also like to travel, so I thought, "What the heck" (and tried not to think about "the worst that can happen...")

I had been planning on going since Christmas of 1999 and so had sorted out my passport and visa application in advance. The latter, I am pleasantly surprised to report, was processed with the greatest of haste. I was cautioned by my co-traveller not to get to used to this efficiency. I was going to Eastern Europe after all. I just smiled, and we went on to book our tickets. We had to take two separate flights as, surprise surprise, Canada 3000 does not fly direct from Halifax to Belgrade. Our itinerary included a flight to Dusseldorf, Germany, another to Budapest, Hungary, and finally a mini bus to Belgrade - over 13 hours in total, plus waiting in airports. Usually this much travelling would have left me tremendously crabby, but I chalked it up to the "adventure" as I have taken to calling it, and wore my happy face (most of the time).

As the next three weeks unfolded, I slowly began to realize that this holiday was unlike any other I had ever taken. Why?  Well, for starters I spent hardly any money :0)  Seriously though, rather than just seeing this country with all its landmarks, I saw its people and learned an awful lot, not all of it pleasant, but all of it interesting. Most of all, for the first time in ages, I relaxed and allowed myself to lapse into "Yugo time". People in this country know how to have a good time, how to drink, and what is important to them - the moment. I think maybe they are right. I have never met people who have so little material wealth, but who are so kind, friendly, and happy.

So what is this site all about? When I told everyone who would listen that I was jetting off to a largely war-torn country, most people were at the very least, intrigued. Others (though they think they hid it well) were worried about me. Without exception however, everyone encouraged me to go. This site is my attempt to thank all these people (you know who you are) with a visual walk through my travel diary. I have tried to record the hilights, but am certain much will be left out - my diary that I kept while there is 126 pages long! So...here is the condensed version, with some lovely pictures thrown in.

                                                     I know I did.

Start Snooping In My Diary
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