Nicolai Barca's Online Hunting Videos
Na'Pali Coast Bow Hunting Feral Goats, Unit-G, Kauai
In the Beginning of 2007, I met up with a group of friends in Hanakoa Valley, 6 miles into the Kalalau trail to do some goat and pig hunting with bow and arrow.  On the second day, we got some good footage of my friends Vince and Van shooting good sized billies.  I gave it a try with my recurve but a good shot never presented its self.
Filmed on January 4, 2007
Feral & Tresspass Cattle Hunting in the Hilo Watershed, Unit D, Big Island. 
This is a legal hunt for wild cattle.  Bruce (the other hunter) compared them to elk in waryness but I though they might be the smartest game animal in Hawaii.  Feral Cattle in Hawaii have been living in the wilderness for around 200 years and are in no way tame. 
Filmed on January 27, 2007
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